Supernatural's Most Unintentionally Cringe Moment We Wish We Could Unsee

It is safe to say that Supernatural has had a huge impact on modern pop culture.
It's hard to find a person today who doesn't know what Supernatural is and what it's about. Throughout its 15 seasons and 327 episodes, the show has made its viewers fear, laugh, cry, get excited, melt with sweetness, and of course, cringe.
No show can last that long and not have its fair share of cringey moments here and there. So let's take a look at which Supernatural moments fans find most cringeworthy.
The show has a title that speaks for itself.
The Winchester brothers have fought hundreds of supernatural creatures, so special effects and costumes are the main aspect of almost every episode. Unfortunately, many viewers cite this very aspect when talking about the show's cringiest moments.
Even with its huge budget, Supernatural often failed to show a believable demon or ghost. But the most cringe-worthy moment, according to fans, had to do with the costume department and came in the show's finale.
The finale, titled Carry On, aired in November 2020 and received generally positive reviews from viewers and critics. The episode was heartbreaking as Dean died in Sam's arms. The younger brother went on with his life, got married, and had a son named Dean. He then died of old age and the Winchester brothers were reunited in Heaven.
While many viewers were busy crying their eyes out over Dean's death and Sam's grief, there were those who could think of nothing else but the ridiculous old man wig that Jared Padalecki, playing Sam, wore for the post-Dean moments of the episode. Many fans agree that this costume blunder was the most hilarious, awful, and cringeworthy part of the entire show.
"I assumed Sam had lost his mind and let depression overtake him. Cause he would never let his hair look like a bird's nest in a hurricane," a fan commented on the wig on Reddit.
Interestingly, even two years after the finale, many fans can still remember their first reaction to seeing the wig. Some burst out laughing, some felt their hearts skip a beat, some facepalmed so hard it hurt. It still remains a mystery how a show with a huge budget approved a wig that looked like it was rented from Party City. Some cosplayers have better quality wigs, for God's sake.