
Start Waiting: Kingsman 3 Officially Confirmed (Do We Need It, Though?)

Start Waiting: Kingsman 3 Officially Confirmed (Do We Need It, Though?)
Image credit: Twentieth Century Fox

The director confirmed that the threequel is in development.

It's no secret that the blockbuster genre has suffered in recent years as the likes of the MCU and DCEU have taken over the big screen market, leaving fans of spectacle and giant explosions to sit through countless films about superheroes and supervillains in the hope of getting some cheap thrills. However, there are still a small number of people working in Hollywood who are dedicated to producing unique blockbusters for fans to gorge themselves on, and Matthew Vaughn is one of them.

Instead of joining Marvel's roster of directors, Vaughn chose to build his own brand as a blockbuster revolutionary, introducing the world to Kingsman in 2014 and successfully building a franchise with a sequel and a spinoff. The self-aware blockbuster franchise resonated with audiences, who clamored for Vaughn to complete the Kingsman trilogy with another film.

Vaughn is ready for more

To the delight of Kingsman fans, Vaughn recently announced that work on the third Kingsman movie is already underway and the script is being written. Vaughn hopes to produce a film as soon as possible, as Colin Firth, who plays Harry Hart in the franchise, is already 63 years old and may refuse to star in blockbusters in the coming years.

Moreover, it seems that the main story of the third film is already known, as the director himself revealed that the main theme of the final part of the trilogy will be a relationship between Eggsy and Harry, which sounds pretty amazing coming from Vaughn's mouth.

'Eggsy and Harry will be in it, obviously. When we wrote the screenplay, it was very much about, okay, I saw how people loved the relationship of Eggsy and Harry. So, we just came up with this thing, what could be the ultimate reason for them to either fall in love or to hate each other forever? So that’s what this movie is all about is will they or won’t they,' Vaughn said.

But do we really need a new Kingsman movie?

Even though both the sequel and the spin-off failed at the box office, fans are more than happy to see a new Kingsman movie, as the sheer amount of uninspiring superhero movies makes any single blockbuster with a hint of originality seem like a godsend.

Source: Collider.