
So How Much Money Gwyneth Paltrow Needs to "Disappear Forever"?

So How Much Money Gwyneth Paltrow Needs to
Image credit: Legion-Media

The star-turned-mogul needs a little more time.

You'd be hard-pressed to find a more enigmatic person in Hollywood than Gwyneth Paltrow. She became a huge star after getting an Oscar for Shakespeare in Love at just 27. After that, her career in acting went from strength to strength until, about a decade ago, she suddenly put it on hold to become an entrepreneur and get filthy rich.

2008 saw Paltrow introduce her own skincare and lifestyle brand, Goop. While it has often been a target of online ridicule due to its unconventional offerings, there's no arguing the financial success it has generated for Paltrow, who hasn't squandered the money but reinvested it with great success. Now, whispers abound that the actress-turned-businesswoman aims to retreat entirely from public life, seeking additional financial security to make her dreams come true.

Tired Megastar

It's well-known that Paltrow has grown disenchanted with acting. Her recent statements suggest that the glare of the spotlight, in general, has become equally burdensome. She has been quoted as saying she wants to step back from acting and prioritize her personal life over public appearances.

'I need a few more years. I will literally disappear from public life. No one will ever see me again,' Paltrow said.

However, she clarified that she's not ready to sell Goop yet. She wants to scale up the brand in the future. The big question is how much money she needs to have saved up before she retires completely.

Too Poor

Despite already having a net worth of $200 million, Paltrow wants to have even more before she can comfortably retire. It would appear that Goop, currently valued at $250 million, might be her golden ticket. She will probably soon be taking steps to try and boost her brand's market capitalization in the years to come in the run-up to her retirement.

So, if she follows through on her plan to fade from public attention, she might just cash out of Goop and make at least $250 million, which is quite a nest egg.

Source: Bustle.