Season 7 Was a Trainwreck, But Remember When True Blood Was Good?

Season 7 Was a Trainwreck, But Remember When True Blood Was Good?
Image credit: HBO

Fans pick the best True Blood season.

True Blood is now mostly remembered for launching Alexander Skarsgård to superstardom, but the vampire-centric series was actually great in itself — even though the latest seasons overstayed their welcome a bit.

When it premiered in 2008, no other show could match True Blood in terms of gore and adult content, making it one of HBO's most scandalous projects.

More than a decade after its debut, True Blood still holds up and is capable of entertaining new audiences with its shady morals, great action scenes, and dark humor. However, if you do decide to start watching this adult vampire saga, don't even think about stopping after the first season because the real fun starts with the second installment.

'For me, the show started being fun in Season 2, earlier it tried to be an adult version of Twilight, and the slight change to more comedic tone in the second season really helped connecting with the characters. Too bad it didn't stay as good,' one fan noted on Reddit.

It was the second installment that really made True Blood an iconic show for many critics, with all the characters finally coming into their own. Also, Season 2 featured better writing and introduced one of the most memorable television villains in history — Maryann Forrester.

'The first two seasons were great. The villain of the second season is being built up so perfectly, each episode it turns out she's a little more powerful than you thought, making her a little more terrifying one episode after another,' another Redditor commented.

Unfortunately, the series pretty much went downhill after that great season, as it seemed impossible to raise the stakes after Maryann's defeat. Despite that, True Blood remained a solid show for almost all of its run, with the exception of the final Season 7, which was clearly created for the sake of money and had nothing interesting going on.

If you are not against watching one season of questionable quality to enjoy five seasons of great writing and action, then True Blood might just be the project for you.

Source: Reddit.