Rotis & Motis Became the Victims of Lazy Writing in Sex Education S4

Rotis & Motis Became the Victims of Lazy Writing in Sex Education S4
Image credit: Netflix

The creators managed to disappoint absolutely every shipper with the show's finale.

Since its premiere in 2019, Sex Education has been captivating viewers with its stories and characters. The writing in the first three seasons was so good, we literally couldn't get enough of it.

Season 4, however, has turned all of that on its head. There are infinite reasons why Sex Education's final season is its worst, but the biggest of them is the arc ending of the show's protagonist, Asa Butterfield's Otis Milburn.

How Otis' storyline ended

Throughout Season 4, Otis, who had come a long way in the previous episodes, seemed to go back to square one. He has problems with absolutely everyone from his mother and best friend to his new and ex-girlfriends, Maeve and Ruby.

As a result that shocked everyone, he loses both of these girls. Although their friendship seems to blossom early in the season, Ruby ends up wanting nothing in common with Otis. And Maeve decides to pursue her dream of becoming a great writer and moves to America.

In the final scene, the protagonist is left alone and saddened by Maeve's departure. Even the heartfelt letter from Maeve doesn't do much to alleviate our sense of utter devastation and unhappiness. Is this really the finale that we have been going to for the last four years?

It just feels like bad writing

Needless to say, both Rotis (Ruby & Otis) and Motis (Maeve & Otis) shippers are utterly disappointed with how things turned out for their beloved characters. They would have rather seen him end up with Maeve than alone.

That's certainly hard to argue with. Throughout the first three seasons, many viewers felt the show was leading up to Otis and Maeve working out all their issues and being together at the end. The build-up was exciting and magical.

But then the last season happened and ruined everything. Not only did the two have more scenes apart than together, but they seemed to have lost their chemistry and showed more animosity than love for each other.

Worst of all, the Motis' breakup and the storylines leading up to it felt unrealistic and made very little sense. Why is Maeve so sure she is going to America for good? Why does Otis not try to save the relationship? Why don't they try a long-distance thing?

Unfortunately, the only explanation that comes to mind is lazy writing. What a shame.

Source: Reddit.

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