RHOA's Shereé Troubled Love Life: Fans Spot a Disturbing Pattern

The OG member of RHOA has a questionable taste in men.
Divorces have become somewhat of a running gag of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, and all of them are caused by the problematic characters of the Housewives themselves or their husbands.
Now it looks like fans have spotted a disturbing pattern in the love life of one of the show's regulars, Shereé Whitfield, which will most likely result in more breakups.
When Shereé debuted on RHOA, she was already in the process of divorcing her husband because of his abusive behavior, and her later romantic choices were also criticized by fans and cast members alike. Now Shereé has reappeared in RHOA Season 15, and she doesn't seem to have changed her troubled ways.
On May 7, the first episode of the 15th season of RHOA aired on Bravo, and of course, it featured plenty of drama. Fashion expert Shereé Whitfield introduced her new man, Martell Holt, saying that she never felt as much genuine love and respect as she is getting from him. But naturally, there are pitfalls in that new romance — and we'll get to them later.
'The men [Shereé] dates seem to be chosen based on looks and not personality/business success which is why she dares scam artists and ex-cons,' one of the viewers summed up. To illustrate this, let's take a look at Shereé's love life in retrospective.
The first season of RHOA began with her divorcing her husband, former NFL player Bob Whitfield, who had been physically abusive. Then she met Tyrone Gilliams, who happened to be sentenced to 10 years in prison for fraud. They became close through correspondence, but when he finally got out of prison… Tyrone just ghosted her.
And now, Shereé's new beau seems to be just as much of a fraud as her previous boyfriend. It turns out Martell Holt declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2020, owing several million dollars to dozens of creditors including his ex-wife, Melody Holt. Furthermore, viewers were outraged to see Martell trying to flirt with other cast members by DMing them.
Fans have long seen this unhealthy pattern in Shereé's personal life, and some explain her questionable choice of men by her deep-rooted complexes and traumas associated with an abusive past.
'I think it stems [from] something inside herself because she doesn't open up a lot to men and always seems uncomfortable around them so since she herself is distanced emotionally she also chooses men that are emotionally distant so they expect less from her,' a fan noted.
Fortunately, according to the next episode's preview, Shereé will finally come to her senses and reconsider her relationship with Martell.
We'll see how things turn out in Episode 2, which will air on Bravo on May 14, 2023.
Source: Reddit.