Reddit Picks Worst Big Bang Theory Character, and It's Exactly Who You Think

Check Your Hate Radar.
The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) ran for 12 years, from 2007 to 2019, and introduced the world of pop culture to its unique nerdy humor, a plethora of hilarious one-liners, a cast of beloved characters, and a brilliant spinoff.
In its pursuit of hilarious storylines, the show never shied away from portraying the unpleasant side of its protagonists and introducing thoroughly insufferable side characters. One of them recently topped Reddit's list of the most annoying supporting characters on TBBT, and her identity should come as no surprise.
Priya Koothrappali Drives Fans Mad
Raj's younger sister was introduced in Season 4 as a beautiful and intelligent lawyer, Leonard's love interest, and Penny's rival. After a period of uncertainty, she began dating Leonard, which quickly raised some significant red flags.
Priya proved to be a controlling partner and treated Leonard poorly, infuriating fans. Upon starting their relationship, she immediately sought to change everything about her new boyfriend, beginning with his appearance. For instance, despite the risk to his health, Priya pressured Leonard into wearing contacts instead of glasses.
Priya's decision to hide their relationship from her parents, as if she were embarrassed by Leonard, also didn't sit well with viewers. Similarly, her insistence that he sever ties with Penny, who Priya knew was part of Leonard's friend group and a close confidante, was received very poorly.
Furthermore, she failed to inform her boyfriend that she was moving back to India and then proceeded to cheat on him with her ex. As far as red flags go, Priya seems to have raised them all.
‘She's manipulative, she's condescending, she is selfish, she doesn't actually like Leonard and constantly tries to change him, she's a hypocrite, she's a cheater... she had no redeeming qualities, how could anyone like her?’ a fan pondered.
It would appear the show's writers succeeded at creating a character in Priya that viewers love to hate. It's been over ten years since we last saw her, but the TBBT fandom's hatred of her is showing no signs of abating.