Out of All Sweet Magnolias Relationships, This One is the Weirdest

Out of All Sweet Magnolias Relationships, This One is the Weirdest
Image credit: Netflix

Probably, it wasn't given enough screen time to develop properly.

It's fascinating that Sweet Magnolias, whose third season dropped on Netflix just under a month ago, is still a hot topic across the Internet. Since its premiere on the streaming service in 2020, the show quickly captured viewers' hearts with its quaint ambience and consistent yet highly dramatic narrative. Since then, Sweet Magnolias has cultivated a loyal fan base.

Beyond the three best friends – Maddie, Dana Sue, and Helen – that Sweet Magnolias primarily focuses on, the show also traces the journeys of numerous other characters as they navigate life in the small, fictional town of Serenity, South Carolina. It chronicles their professional ventures – the three leading ladies run a spa together – and their personal dramas, especially as they grapple with romantic relationships. Helen, in particular, seems to have the worst luck in love. Yet, her most puzzling relationship isn't a romantic one.

Having read 'Helen' and 'most puzzling relationship', your mind might drift to Ryan Wingate, Helen's former beau and the late Ms. Frances's nephew. He appears to be Helen's Achilles' heel – whenever he enters the picture, the accomplished attorney seems ready to throw everything aside to be with him. However, it's Helen's enigmatic bond with Cece that stands out as the most perplexing.

Out of All Sweet Magnolias Relationships, This One is the Weirdest - image 1

While Helen clearly has a soft spot for children, it's still incomprehensible why she would take in a teenager (and not the friendliest one at that) she shares no blood ties with. Helen barely knew Cece before inviting the young girl to live with her and Ryan without even pondering the potential implications for her budding relationship with the man.

Some fans, however, think they have an answer – the show might not have fully fleshed out this storyline, they suggest.

'I haven't read the books, so I can't say for sure, but I think the show just didn't get into as much depth as they should have with their relationship. I can see where they were going with it, but it needed more time to grow into something where she'd suggest the girl stay with her. And maybe it's different in the book?' a Redditor pondered.

Maybe this perspective holds some truth, and key details were left on the cutting room floor. Nevertheless, as portrayed in Sweet Magnolias, Helen and Cece's relationship seems unusual and somewhat unsettling. Let's hope season 4 offers more clarity!

Source: Reddit.