Out of All Outlander Plot Problems, This One is the Most Ridiculous

Out of All Outlander Plot Problems, This One is the Most Ridiculous
Image credit: STARZ

Once again, plot holes are left to be filled by either fan theories or the book source.

Outlander has been delighting fans for nearly eight years with its captivating love story transcending space and time. Each timeline, historical event, and storyline is incredibly engaging, prompting viewers to get really invested in the characters while flipping through history books and Wikipedia articles.

However, the show has numerous plot holes, as well as moments that the writers seemingly forget about.

For example, remember how Jamie simply abandoned Laoghaire or how Geillis Duncan was revealed to be alive twenty years after she was supposedly burned as a witch? While the writers could potentially explain these inconsistencies, there is one issue about the series that has puzzled fans who've never read the books.

Where do Jamie and Clair get money for all the extravagant gowns, especially when travelling outside Scotland?

According to Jamie, The estate of Lallybroch is fairly wealthy, so it's clear how Claire and Jamie can afford their luxurious clothes while in Scotland. Their stay in France isn't problematic either, as Jamie's great-uncle, Jared Fraser, owned a prosperous wine business, so their lavish clothing makes sense.

However, when Jamie and Claire travel to Jamaica, it's never explained where they get money from. Yes, they do have gems of considerable value at their disposal, but these treasures have yet to be sold! So where did Claire get her new dress? A similar issue arises when they find themselves stranded on the shores of Georgia.

Although the show's writers never address these questions, the answers can be found in the books. It turns out that the dress Claire wears in Jamaica is from France, albeit it has been hemmed and altered through years of wear. The same applies to the American colonies, although there are additional plot issues there.

'The books address a lot of this stuff... for example when they first arrive in the states, the people they stayed with DO equip them with necessities in exchange for a gem, BUT the dress Claire wears to the dinner party where she meets Wylie is actually a "rental" LOL (as was her book wedding dress),' a Reddit user explained.

Despite all the issues with the TV adaptation, we should remember that it's a fictional story, even if historical events occasionally frame the plot. Thus, we can comfortably disregard such omissions and simply enjoy the beautiful dramatic story.

In the meantime, let's not forget that the next episode of the seventh season, Singapore, will be released in a week, on 14 July.

Source: Reddit.