Oops, They Did It Again: Young Sheldon Season 6 Misses Out on 5 Big Storylines

The beloved sitcom continues to stray from the original.
Given that CBS' The Big Bang Theory was one of the biggest comedy hits of the last decade, the network's decision to produce a spin-off based on fan-favorite Sheldon Cooper's childhood years seemed like the most obvious idea.
And while Young Sheldon was always a bit dependent on the original's storylines, the prequel has managed to come into its own over the course of its six seasons — even if that meant deviating from the main show's plotlines quite a bit.
Here are the biggest missed storylines of Young Sheldon Season 6.
5. Mary and the pastor
The story of Sheldon's mother's infatuation with Pastor Rob was one of the anecdotes that older Sheldon often told his friends, so when the pastor was finally introduced in Season 5, fans expected Mary to meet him at some point in the future. However, the writers seem to have swept his entire storyline under the rug and just made him disappear in Season 6.
4. Sheldon's trip to the hospital
When Sheldon told his friends in the original show that he had been airlifted to the hospital after being exposed to radiation, everyone thought this glorious scene should make it to the prequel series. And although Season 6 was set around that time, the airlift was not shown on the show. Fans are still hopeful it'll be featured in the next season.
3. George stealing money
In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon constantly bashed his father for his various problems, but the story of his dad being fired from his job as a cashier for stealing money was truly one of the most despicable.
Fortunately, Young Sheldon's writers decided not to use that storyline at all and instead had George work as a football coach again in Season 6.
2. George's injury
The story of how young Sheldon's experiments with the height of stairs resulted in his father breaking his collarbone was one of the funniest things older Sheldon told his friends. But it looks like Young Sheldon will never use that particular story, since the Coopers' house has no stairs in the prequel. Oops!
1. George cheating on Mary
Ever since the prequel series was announced, fans have dreaded the day when Sheldon's father would cheat on his mother. The original story even set a specific time frame for this event, and it was expected to take place right in the sixth season. Although the creators of Young Sheldon didn't rule out the possibility of George cheating on Mary, they refused to air the scene in Season 6.