One Virgin River Character is So Insufferable, People Literally Quit Watching the Show

One Virgin River Character is So Insufferable, People Literally Quit Watching the Show
Image credit: Netflix

Maybe you can live without hope…

Yep, it's Hope McCrea. That nosy, interfering busybody is enough to make some fans quit watching.

And it's not even like there's one solid reason. It's just everything about her. First off, she loves prying into other people's lives. And the only thing she seems to love more is moaning. I mean, you gotta feel sorry for poor ol' Vern. She is just so demanding, entitled and downright miserable that you wonder why he doesn't just go back to sleeping in his truck.

Then those facial expressions. And yes, I know we shouldn't judge people for their appearance, but come on. Anytime anything goes ever so slightly not her way, she does that oh-so-irritating pinched mouth that makes it look like someone just stole a balloon she was blowing up. Which wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't so annoyed by everything, so she does it too often.

One Virgin River Character is So Insufferable, People Literally Quit Watching the Show - image 1

And she's immature. Annette O'Toole, who plays her, is 71. Hope looks like a 71-year-old woman. So why, oh why, does she have to act like a 14-year-old with a chip on her shoulder? We also know from previous performances on Smallville and other shows that O'Toole can act. Which begs the question of whether the terrible acting in this show is an indication that such an insufferable character can't be made even vaguely likeable, rather than a judgement on O'Toole herself.

And here's the worst thing about her. Isn't the old trope about the useless, nosy, annoying old woman a bit jaded? She's like a character out of something written in the 70s, when networks were fully and unashamedly behind the patriarchy. We've seen it so many times before – and we've never liked it.

All told, she's not very popular, as these comments on Reddit demonstrate:

'I fr*****n' hate Hope! I'm considering not watching anymore because of her character.'

'I've started skipping her scenes. I can't handle her character and she's ruining the show.'

'Hope really is the most annoying character I've ever seen…I honestly don't ever want to look at Annette O'Toole again.'

Which begs another question: why does she get so much screen time? Or does she? Maybe she's just so utterly annoying that she seems to get far more screen time than she deserves. It's hard to say. But one thing's for sure. In many homes, none of the characters get any screen time, and it's all Hope's fault.

Source: Reddit.