One Scene Ruined Game of Thrones for Many Newbies: Find Out Which One

One Scene Ruined Game of Thrones for Many Newbies: Find Out Which One
Image credit: HBO

Were you thinking of quitting GoT after that episode?

Game of Thrones (GoT) ran for eight seasons from 2011 to 2019 and attracted viewers from around the world. Remember how people all over the globe sat glued to their screens every week, both anticipating and dreading the fates of their favourite and least favourite characters?

There are several episodes that are impossible to forget as they delivered some of the most shocking moments in television history. For some, it was Ned Stark's execution; for others, Jon Snow's death or Hodor's courageous stand. But nearly every viewer shudders in shock and disgust whenever they recall the harrowing event known as the Red Wedding.

To this day, that scene still elicits strong reactions of horror. Believe it or not, there are viewers watching GoT for the first time in 2023, and many find it hard to continue after witnessing the Red Wedding.

One Scene Ruined Game of Thrones for Many Newbies: Find Out Which One - image 1

‘Just saw the red wedding, don’t feel like watching anymore,’ a new viewer wrote on Reddit a few days ago, bringing back memories from 2013 for many fans. ‘That scene just sucked the life out of me. Being depressed about the deaths of fictional characters is a weird feeling to have but I honestly just feel like setting this series away and never thinking about it again.’

The shocking events unfold in Episode 9 of Season 3, The Rains of Castamere. King in the North, Robb Stark, sought the support of Walder Frey but broke his promise to marry Frey's daughter because of his love for Talisa Maegyr.

In retaliation, Frey invited Robb, his wife, and his mother to the Twins, pretending to offer his daughter to Edmure Tully as a peace offering. In the middle of the ceremony, as Robb and his party were relaxing, feeling safe and secure in their new alliance, Frey's men attacked and brutally slaughtered everyone, starting with the pregnant Talisa and ending with Lady Catelyn Stark.

While the episode was emotionally draining for millions, seasoned fans in the comments urged the new viewer to keep watching. After all, many consider Season 4 of GoT to be the series' pinnacle. And some might say it's best to pretend the final season doesn't exist.

Source: Reddit.