Moving: Will Disney+' Most Watched K-Drama Get a Season 2 Renewal?

Moving: Will Disney+' Most Watched K-Drama Get a Season 2 Renewal?
Image credit: Disney+

The director weighs in.

The Disney+ original, Moving, aired its finale on September 20, much to the dismay of many viewers who had become fans during the 20-episode journey and were reluctant to bid farewell to the beloved characters.

‘Definitely my top K-drama for this year and probably one of, if not THE no.1 drama for me,’ a fan wrote on Reddit. ‘My Wednesdays were 10 times better waiting for the episodes to come out each night. I'm a bit sad but hoping and anticipating for another season!’

Why All The Fuss?

Moving tells the gripping story of three teenagers who have inherited superhuman abilities from their parents and now find their peaceful lives disrupted by sinister government organizations eager to exploit them and a mysterious killer targeting superpowered individuals.

The show is based on a webtoon created by Kang Full, a renowned artist in South Korea who has seen many of his works adapted for the screen. He also wrote Moving, which was subsequently directed by Park In-je, known for the 2019 horror series Kingdom, and starred some of South Korea's leading acting talent.

Moving quickly became a hit for Disney+ and shattered numerous records. It is now the most-watched K-drama on the service and the top series in any category in most Asian countries.

Will Moving Get Season 2?

Naturally, the main question on every fan's mind is whether the show will be renewed. While this season stands excellently on its own, it could also serve as the foundation for a larger, more complex story.

Although Disney has not yet made any announcements about Season 2, fans are certainly hopeful that the story will continue. And indeed, there is a basis for it.

Park In-je recently noted in a discussion with The Hollywood Reporter about the series finale that Kang Full has a few more webtoons set in the same universe, so theoretically, the show could go on.

‘Kang Full has other titles that are within this universe that he’s built, under the titles of Bridge and Timing, so there’s a lot more story that’s already out there. There’s another one that he’s currently working on called Hidden. So, if there were to be a second season, it will be one of those,’ the director said.

Furthermore, Park In-je seems quite optimistic about the show's renewal and promised that if he were to direct Season 2, it would exceed all expectations.

‘If I were to helm the series once again, what I can say is that I will show you a much-upgraded version of everything you saw in season one,’ he said.

Well, fingers crossed! The gods of pop culture know we need more quality shows like Moving.

Sources: Reddit, The Hollywood Reporter.