
Looks Like Hollywood Low-Key Canceled Marvel Star Jonathan Majors

Looks Like Hollywood Low-Key Canceled Marvel Star Jonathan Majors
Image credit: Legion-Media

Hollywood is shocked by Majors' abuse allegations as the actor is due in court in less than three weeks.

The star of hit boxing projects, award-winning performer, and main antagonist of MCU's Phase Five, Jonathan Majors was recently at the height of his fame. However, it all came crashing down as it was revealed that the actor was suspected of a blatant case of abuse and harassment.

On March 25, the NYPD announced that the 33-year-old actor had been arrested on charges of assault in a domestic dispute. Since then, more details have emerged, causing many production companies to turn their backs on Majors, and it now seems that the entire industry is beginning to reject the star.

Notably, Majors' lawyer uncovered messages from his girlfriend. In their correspondence, she allegedly expressed her worries about his current status and apologized as if it were her fault.

Contrary to what the lawyer expected, these messages convinced people that Majors' relationship with his girlfriend had been severely abusive, otherwise she wouldn't feel she needed to apologize.

'The text messages removed any doubt… how an attorney could possibly think they were helpful is beyond me,' a Reddit user commented on the situation.

The scandal was further exacerbated by Variety's report, claiming that more and more of Majors' abuse victims are finding the courage to come forward and cooperate with the DA.

'It is never just one victim. He didn't wake up one day and target his current partner. It is a long pattern of escalating toxic behaviour,' another Reddittor said. It seems like the victims were afraid to open up earlier, as they weren't sure they would receive public support.

In addition to being fired from The Man in My Basement, Jonathan Majors seems to be losing his other acting jobs too, as the rest of Hollywood has decided to low-key cancel the actor. It was revealed that production of two films had been suspended: 48 Hours in Vegas and Da Understudy, in which the actor was set to star.

But intrigue is growing over what Disney will do about all this. Majors was meant to play the lead villain in the next big MCU movie, Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, which is currently in pre-production.

Furthermore, the fate of the second season of Loki is now in question — the series was scheduled for release this summer, but now it is unclear whether Disney will freeze the project or reshoot the footage with a different actor.

Of course, this is not the first time that Marvel has to replace an actor, but it's the first time the company is facing a scandal involving an individual in whom so much money has been invested.

Source: Variety.