Is Penny’s Missing Last Name Just a Massive Big Bang Theory Plot Hole?

Or can't you remember?
All people have names, and TV characters are no exception.
Even minor characters are called something. However, sometimes the main characters of massively popular shows that run for years remain nameless, and nobody seems to notice.
The Big Bang Theory is a case in point. First airing in 2007, the sitcom entertained us until its conclusion in 2019, after running for twelve seasons. And yet, throughout its time on air, a key character's last name was never mentioned, and nobody noticed.
If you consider yourself a TBBT fan, here's a question for you: what's Penny's last name?
There's a good chance you can't answer that. Don't worry! You're not the only fan who's stumped. It's been almost four years since the last episode of The Big Bang Theory aired, and as fans reminisce about the show, few can remember Penny's last name, which is making people wonder if she even had one.
Actually, she did. If you struggle to remember it, jot it down this time. The Big Bang Theory crew used her last name on all the props the character interacted with on the show: Teller. Penny Teller. At least, that's what her driver's licence said.
Curiously, Penny Teller was named after the renowned magic duo Penn & Teller. Raymond Teller even appeared on the show as Amy's father.
If you're surprised you somehow missed this detail, don't feel bad about it. There's a good reason for that. Penny was never addressed as Teller on the show, nor was her last name ever spoken by any of the characters during the entire twelve seasons.
In fact, the only time Penny's full name was used was when she married Leonard and became Mrs. Penelope Hofstadter.
And as far as TBBT's plot is concerned, it's not exactly a hole. The writers didn't consider Penny's last name important and intentionally never used it on the show, as mentioned in The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit Series, a behind-the-scenes book about the sitcom. On the other hand, it's unclear why Penny's last name was deemed insignificant to the story. That fact will forever remain a mystery, especially seeing how Penny was one of the three main characters on the show.