Hottest Virgin River Guys, Ranked from Meh to Total Eye Candy

Hottest Virgin River Guys, Ranked from Meh to Total Eye Candy
Image credit: Netflix

Fans have chosen Virgin River's sexiest man. Do you agree with their ranking?

Virgin River is a delightful piece of romance to spend time with. Not only does it have a soothing atmosphere, stunning scenery, compelling storylines, and relatable arcs, but also (essential for a romantic genre) its male characters are easy on the eyes.

Recently, after watching the new fifth season of the Netflix show, fans took to Reddit to discuss who is the best looking of all the Virgin River fellows. Of course, the choice was not an easy one, and opinions were divided. But the majority's pick was still a no-brainer. Can you guess who it is?

Before we give you the answer, let's take a look at the list of all the attractive Virgin River men, ranked by the number of times they were mentioned in the discussion.

7. Calvin (David Cubitt)

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David Cubitt is definitely nice to look at. However, in Virgin River, his character is a criminal drug lord and a dangerous person, which is not very attractive to the audience. This puts Calvin at the bottom of our list.

6. Preacher (Colin Lawrence)

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Of all the men in Virgin River, Preacher has the most turbulent personal life. He falls in love quickly and has a palpable chemistry with all of his partners. He may not be the sexiest guy according to the viewers, but he is definitely the nicest.

5. Doc (Tim Matheson)

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If Doc was 30 years younger, he would definitely be at the top of this list. The young Tim Matheson was a stunner and has aged very well. Many viewers think he is attractive and still has it. How can we argue with that?

4. Cameron (Mark Ghanimé)

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Whether you like Cameron or not, you have to admit that Mark Ghanimé has looks to die for. His gorgeous smile and eyes earned Cameron the fourth spot in our ranking.

3. Jack (Martin Henderson)

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Jack Sheridan is the protagonist of the show, so it is only natural that he has stolen the hearts of many viewers. We've seen him in action more than anyone else. And his scenes with Mel are always extremely steamy and passionate. Oh, and his accent is just a treat.

2. Mike (Marco Grazzini)

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The sweet smile and charming brown eyes earned Mike second place in our rating. It also helps that he is a compelling character with a decent arc. It was nice to see Mike outside of regular police work and finally find happiness with Brie this season. And his arms in the baseball episode. What a delight.

1. Brady (Benjamin Hollingsworth)

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The number one eye candy you've been waiting for is, of course, Brady. This bad boy may not be the best looker, but his sexual appeal is through the roof. Viewers almost pass out every time he has a shirtless scene. It looks like Brie may have made a mistake in choosing Mike over him after all.

Source: Reddit.

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