Here's the Biggest Mistake You Could Make Watching Supernatural

Here's the Biggest Mistake You Could Make Watching Supernatural
Image credit: The CW

Fans have been regretting ever since making this one mistake while watching the show, and now they're warning everyone else not to do the same!

Supernatural impressively managed to keep a consistent and devoted viewership for the entirety of its 15-season run. However, when the last episode finally aired of the iconic show, opinions suddenly became divided, with a group of fans left seemingly disappointed with how the series chose to end.

The show's dedicated fanbase advises those who have not witnessed the series' last episode to skip it altogether. However, is avoiding the ending truly the ultimate move?

Fans' reactions to the final episode

In the aftermath of Supernatural's conclusion, the show's online community has seen an outpour of strong reactions across various social media. This mainly targeted the writers' decision to not end just with the Winchester's big battle against Chuck, but to include the events of the episode 'Carry On'. After all, fans had been invested for over a decade in Sam and Dean, and to witness it end so casually didn't sit well with the vast majority.

One fan sums up many of the viewer's experiences, describing it on the r/Supernatrual Reddit thread: 'I remember us crying during the second to last episode thinking 'this is a really beautiful way to end the show', and then when the Next Episode prompt came up we were really confused and then subsequently really disappointed'.

The Reasons for the Hate

The problem with finishing such an admired series as Supernatural is that there is rarely an easy way to end it. For instance, although the storyline was significant for concluding the series for good, fans felt it robbed its characters of their deserved justice. Sam and Dean had sacrificed their whole lives for the greater good of others, only to be separated again, with Dean dying almost immediately. Did they not earn at least some happy times on Earth together?

Another complaint of the episode was it felt rushed, not living up to its full potential. It was nice to see some familiar faces in heaven, but it would have been better to get more cast members involved for the last scenes. Even witnessing the fates of Mary, John, and all the other hunters we've met throughout the show would have felt more accomplished as a finale. Although, some did point out that COVID may have been responsible for restricting that possibility.

Maybe the fans' most significant gripe, however, was the episode's anti-climatic plot. Dean being killed by a mere vamp impaled on a spike was hardly the big 'going out swinging' ending people expected. Having such an unsatisfying death was always bound to ruffle some feathers. Whereas, at least the penultimate episode provides something more action-packed for the fans to enjoy.

Supernatural's enduring legacy

The decision to skip the final episode of Supernatural obviously isn't as clear-cut as it may seem. If you choose not to watch the series finale, you can avoid the discomfort of a disappointing ending. However, you also rob yourself of the chance to say goodbye to the characters one last time. Maybe it is better to ignore that the final episode ever existed. After all, if you believe the Winchesters never died, there's always a chance they could return.

Sources: Reddit, Reddit.