Has Mel Become Way Too Boring in Virgin River Season 5?

The character is tiresome at this point.
When this Netflix drama debuted on the platform in 2018, it instantly won over hordes of fans with its story of a quaint small town. Since then, Virgin River has spanned five installments, the most recent of which was released just over two weeks ago.
Over the show's five-year run, it has made us fall in love with many residents of the titular town. From charismatic Jack Sheridan to somewhat annoying Hope McCrea, Virgin River boasts a plethora of swoon-worthy characters, the most beloved of which is undoubtedly Mel Monroe. However, the audience seems to have been upset with her in the recent season.
The Character Has Become Too Predictable
Virgin River's pivotal character, Mel, is crucial to the entire show. Naturally, she's the ultimate fan favorite. At this point, however, viewers have grown tired of her personality and are starting to find faults with the character. Thus, they say Melinda's behavior is unnatural – she's either being childish and capricious or complacent and smug.
'It's totally unbelievable and clingy. I wish she'd let go and interact with the scene more instead of deciding already what she's going to do and think. This isn't being a strong character, it's self absorption,' one Redditor observed.
Poor Acting?
Many people have continuously pointed out that it's not only Melinda's problem. Hope, who we've mentioned above, is notorious for her overbearing demeanor that takes over every scene she's in. In Mel's case, however, it is a novelty. As a result, viewers wonder if the directors are to blame.
'Honestly I often wonder if the director tells them all to toss acting skills out the window and play it like a parody. The only time I felt like she [Mel] was actually believable is when she lost her baby. I think part of the reason she was good in that scene is because she wasn't speaking,' another Reddit user wrote sarcastically.
As season 5 of Virgin River is yet to wrap up after two Christmas specials premiere on 30th November, we will see what Melinda has to offer us. Hopefully, she won't prove to be absolutely exhausting.
Source: Reddit.