Harsh Reality of Watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine For the First Time in 2023

Harsh Reality of Watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine For the First Time in 2023
Image credit: NBC

Andy Samberg's breakout show is no longer the comedy series it used to be.

It's hard to believe that Brooklyn Nine-Nine first aired in 2013. Now reflecting on the show a decade later, the wacky sitcom is beginning to feel comparatively out of place. Rewatching the series in 2023 shows just how the comedy landscape has changed, and Brooklyn 99's style of quirky gags and satirical formats simply doesn't cut it anymore.

How comedy has transformed: Then vs. Now

In the days of 2013, things were undoubtedly much more straightforward. It was the year of Grumpy Cat's rise to fame, and everyone was occupied doing the Harlem Shake. Considering it was also the year that Brooklyn Nine-Nine first graced our screens, it's understandable that the series' zany jokes and amusing plots made the show an instant hit.

However, fast forward to 2023, and many of the popular series' themes and gags are often weighed against the topic and troubles of today. As opposed to ignoring the social and economic issues of the times, many comedies instead choose to embrace themes of sexism, racism, and discrimination.

Where Brooklyn Nine-Nine once thrived in its carefree space of the old days, before any significant notions of political correctness and equality, the jokes that once had us rolling on the floor, many of us now view through a lens of inclusion and respect.

A different brand of comedy

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has always had a strong foundation with its quick-witted writing and eccentric characters. Yet, the convention of comedy has very much changed recently. The meme culture and viral trends of the past now blend with more insightful humor that stretches further than just superficial sketches for cheap laughs.

For instance, Jake Peralta's antics, once the backbone of the series, now appear immature compared to the more refined comedy of newer sitcoms. While still endearing, these larger-than-life characters can feel like caricatures to today's audiences that crave greater authenticity instead.

Uncomfortable Jokes

Rewatching the show in 2023, we, unfortunately, face more than a few uncomfortable laughs. For example, Gina Linetti's offhand remarks, which once sailed under the radar, now stand out more than ever. Not to mention subjects of mistreatment and abuse which go by totally ignored.

Although the final and latest season 8 did try to incorporate more serious themes and awareness into the writing, many fans found it unauthentic and not funny, considering it too much of a change from the former style and format. The series was therefore becoming very much at odds with itself. A constant push-and-pull between the nostalgia of earlier times and the demand for more contemporary awareness in social matters.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a testament to a bygone era of comedy. A show that never truly got bad but simply outlasted the style to which it fit so well. As we watch the series now, through a more discerning lens, we're reminded that it's not a mark against the show's legacy but rather an indication of the progress that has occurred since.

Source: Reddit.