GRRM Gives Another Winds of Winter Update: Don't Expect It in 2024 Either

GRRM Gives Another Winds of Winter Update: Don't Expect It in 2024 Either
Image credit: Legion-Media

The author has yet to hit his stride.


  • The celebrated author has been working on a new novel for over a decade, much to the chagrin of his fans.
  • Currently, Martin won't speculate about a possible release date for Winds of Winter, having ruled out a 2024 release.

While George R. R. Martin had already achieved fame well before his A Song of Ice and Fire series was adapted into the blockbuster TV series Game of Thrones, it was unquestionably the HBO show that catapulted both the author and his books into mainstream stardom. Longtime Martin fans were delighted to see their favorite author rise to such prominence, but many also noticed a discernible decline in his productivity.

Martin hasn't released a new book in his acclaimed fantasy series since 2011. Notably, 2011 was also the year HBO premiered Game of Thrones. The surging fame seemingly diverted Martin's attention to endeavors other than writing.

Long Wait

Westeros fans have been patiently waiting for Martin to finish Winds of Winter, the 6th installment in the series, for a staggering 12 years. Sadly, the wait seems set to continue for the foreseeable future. Although Martin divulged that he made substantial progress on the novel in 2020 and even completed several major character arcs, his writing pace remains frustratingly slow, much to the ire of many of his fans.

Many believe that if Martin wasn't constantly busy writing scripts, making public appearances, and generally hanging around in Hollywood, he could have finished the book within six months or even less.

However, Martin seems to be enjoying his new roles, recently expressing exasperation over the fan backlash he's been getting because of how long he's taking to finish The Winds of Winter. This sentiment offers further proof that we probably won't be seeing the book come out in 2024.

'I’ve been working…I’m 12 years late with The Winds of Winter, as we know. I’m just gonna put it right out there, you guys don’t have to pester me about it,' Martin said.

Fans keep hoping that Martin takes notice of how frustrating the wait for the new chapter in the saga has been for them and at least tries to finish the book in time for a 2025 release.

Source: Reddit.