Garcia Gets Some Serious Heat for 'Verbally Abusing' Luke in Criminal Minds S16

Garcia Gets Some Serious Heat for 'Verbally Abusing' Luke in Criminal Minds S16
Image credit: Paramount+

After seeing the new Penelope, fans feel that Luke deserves better.

The Criminal Minds Season 16 finale aired back in February, but fan discussions show that viewers are still divided over some of the storylines.

The most controversial character of the season was Penelope Garcia with her uneven and somewhat out-of-character arc. Many fans who were rooting for Garcia and Luke Alvez to get together while watching the original CBS show now doubt that the couple is still perfect for each other. And the reason is that Garcia is constantly abusing Luke in the Paramount+ revival.

When Luke first joined the BAU in Season 12, Garcia had some snarky banter with him. Because Penelope was deliberately and somewhat flirtatiously mean to Luke, it gave viewers a big frenemies-to-lovers vibe.

Fans felt a palpable chemistry between the two characters and began to ship them. They were happy when the characters decided to go on a date in the Season 15 finale. But the new season has shown that the date went horribly. More than that, Garcia seems to have become meaner to Luke.

Fans noticed that Season 16 overdid it with snarky banter and ruined the romantic vibe. Garcia seemed to really dislike Luke, even though he was trying to be supportive and friendly with the girl. All of her behavior and the lines she threw at him didn't feel like the schoolyard crush or friendly teasing the writers were probably going for, but more like verbal abuse.

Fans were upset with how mean and inconsiderate Garcia was to Luke.

Especially when it came to her romantic storyline with new love interest Tyler Green. Not only did their relationship feel forced and out of character for Penelope, but she also decided to share details of her sex life with Luke. Even though it hinted that Luke might still have feelings for Garcia, this scene was difficult to watch.

By now, many fans feel that Luke doesn't deserve the horrible treatment that Garcia has been giving him, and the abuse needs to stop. If Penelope and Luke are meant to be together in the end, Garcia has a lot to make up for.