Even Virgin River EP Agrees Charmaine Wore Out Her Welcome

Even Virgin River EP Agrees Charmaine Wore Out Her Welcome
Image credit: Netflix

But they don't want to let the character go just yet.

Since its premiere in 2019, Virgin River has become one of Netflix's most beloved romantic dramas, on par with Sweet Magnolias. The series follows Mel Monroe as she starts anew in the eponymous town after the tragic loss of her husband. So far, Virgin River has spanned five seasons, with the most recent one released just a month ago.

Over the years, the show has won favor with fans due to its poignant romantic storylines and gripping plots that consistently keep viewers engaged. While the series features many endearing characters like Melinda, it also has its share of less likable personalities. Charmaine stands out as the most contentious among them.

As one of the primary antagonists in Virgin River, Charmaine has become a target of fans' disdain, with many wishing for her exit from the series. Now, the show's executive producer has conceded that Charmaine might have overstayed her welcome.

Charmaine in Season 5

A major reason fans harbor resentment towards Charmaine is her relentless attempts to disrupt Mel and Jack's blossoming relationship. She has used her pregnancy as leverage to manipulate Jack for multiple seasons, claiming he's the father of her twins. By the close of the first half of Virgin River's fifth season, she remains pregnant, annoying many viewers even further.

Virgin River's EP Agrees: Charmaine Is Too Much

It seems the show's producers share the audience's sentiments about Charmaine. However, the dynamics behind the scenes are more intricate.

'I love Lauren Hammersley, who plays Charmaine. She's an incredible actress. You have so many strong opinions about the character and then you meet the actress and you're like, "Of course, you're the most lovely, perfect human being on the planet who's funny as hell and has just been run through the wringer as a character,"' Patrick Sean Smith, a Virgin River executive producer, said in an interview.

Smith mentioned their attempts to make Charmaine more likable this season, but it seems the character's been damaged beyond repair.

'She [the actress] really appreciated a little bit of a redemption for Charmaine this season, which was my creative intention because I think she was starting to wear out her welcome as a character. That's not to say she's not going to come back and create more drama, but I think it's going to be in a little bit different form,' he elaborated on his efforts to breathe new life in the character fans love to hate.

So, we are left in anticipation, curious about Charmaine's role in the upcoming Christmas specials set to air on November 30th.

Source: Glamour.

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