
Emma Watson Finally Breaks Silence on Social Media Amid Harry Potter Reboot Controversy

Emma Watson Finally Breaks Silence on Social Media Amid Harry Potter Reboot Controversy
Image credit: Legion-Media

As the controversy over the Harry Potter reboot continues to swirl, Emma Watson returned to social media with an update on what she's been doing these last few years.

Aside from appearing in Little Women in 2019 and turning up for the Harry Potter reunion last year, the actor has taken a break from the public eye. Now 33, though, she seems happy, healthy and ready to engage with her adoring fans once more.

So, what has she been up to?

Her recent Instagram post opened with 'This is 33. Holy moly. Before 29 I hadn't even heard of a Saturn Return as a concept. Let's just say that now I am well acquainted.'

In astrology, a Saturn Return marks a change and a new self. Typically the first Saturn Return, in which a person leaves behind their youth and becomes an adult, occurs in their late 20s or early 30s. So, it's safe to assume Emma has experienced her first Saturn Return while out of the spotlight – a period in which she says she 'stepped away from life' and among other things 'did a lot of therapy'.

Her post revealed that she has a lot of people to thank for supporting her through a 'Covid cocoon' during which she admits she felt 'felt really sad and really pissed off about a lot of things', not least of whom is her brother.

The siblings created their own gin from recycled wine grapes, and Emma said over time, Alex helped her 'find the most challenging things…incredibly funny'.

It was a tough period for the family, with Emma revealing that she lost two grandparents, but 'learned more about love and being a woman'.

But there were also some fun times along the way, including trying to learn how to surf, riding horses and playing pickleball with Sugar Ray Leonard. And she adopted a dog that she says 'seems to be an angel'.

The new, refreshed Emma Watson has 'finally figured out a daily practice and can actually keep it for more than a few days in a row' and she says has 'burned some things down' and now eats 'green things'.

The post came with several pictures which she said were taken on her birthday (15th April) last year, but which she only felt ready to go public within 2023.

So, while the controversy around the Harry Potter reboot shows no sign of abating, at least there is some positive news from the first iteration of the wizarding world.