Emma Roberts Returning is Already the Best Part of AHS Season 12

Fans are thrilled to welcome Emma back.
Thanks to Ryan Murphy's American Horror Story, a lot of fan-favorite actors got their overdue time in the spotlight, with names like Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters immediately coming to mind. However, the most popular of AHS regulars was always Emma Roberts, who has starred in five seasons of the show so far.
Although she wasn't part of AHS' most recent chapters, the actress is back on board for Season 12, and fans actually think she will be the only redeeming quality of the show's upcoming installment.
According to the official statement from FX, Emma Roberts will star in the upcoming Season 12, playing a young woman who is certain that some mysterious forces are trying to prevent her from becoming pregnant. While this synopsis sounds pretty cool, fans are already a bit disappointed that Murphy decided to adapt a book, for the first time in AHS history, instead of writing an original screenplay.
Another thing that's worrying people is the fact that Kim Kardashian has been cast as the second main character alongside Roberts. Fans suspect that the FX producers are simply trying to use the controversial reality star to boost the show's viewership, while her performance can in fact ruin the entire season and make AHS fall further into the abyss of poor ratings.
The last two seasons of AHS struggled to keep old fans of the show engaged, as subpar writing and questionable creative decisions made those episodes a total chore to watch. As a result, ratings plummeted, prompting Murphy and FX to bet big on Season 12, revamping the whole show but bringing in Emma Roberts as everyone's favorite star. All previous AHS chapters featuring the actress have been huge hits, so fans would be more than happy with just Roberts, without Kardashian, starring in Season 12.
In any case, people are now moderately excited to see what Ryan Murphy has in store for them in the upcoming season, which aims to regain popularity the show once had.
American Horror Story Season 12 will premiere on FX on September 19, 2023.