Debris and 3 Other Lesser Known but Worthy Sci-Fi TV Series Made in the Best Traditions of the Genre

A human colony in search of a new home planet and the aftermath of an alien ship crashing near Earth.
Science fiction doesn't necessarily mean scary aliens with giant heads, lightsaber battles, or radiation emissions. In the world of sci-fi series, there are detectives, thrillers, dramas, and even comedies.
If you think you've seen it all, our list of four sci-fi shows will help you discover new cinematic universes that straddle the line between truth and fiction.
1. Ascension, 2014
During his short time in office, President Kennedy managed to launch a truly revolutionary project. Several hundred citizens boarded the spaceship Ascension and set out far from Earth, where they believed a great war was about to break out.
Their goal is to fly to a planet that will become the new home of mankind. And the passengers of this giant ship live by strict laws.
They work for the benefit of Ascension and their mission, keep to their social class, and strictly monitor the number of people on board – they do not reproduce without the permission of a computer that selects genetically compatible partners.
2. The Crossing, 2018
According to the plot, the waves wash up on the beach of a small town of refugees hiding from the horrors of war. However, they all claim to have come from the future, much to the surprise of the local population.
This show will not make you believe in humanity – according to the creators, people are still killing each other almost two hundred years later. But The Crossing itself is compelling, combining a fascinating investigation, a discussion of social inequality, and the embodied nightmares of technophobes.
3. Debris, 2021
An alien ship crashed near Earth, and now people are constantly stumbling upon debris. They discover pieces of the alien ship mainly because they change the composition of the air, raise the dead from their graves or create portals.
The phenomena caused by space debris are studied by two special agents – Finola of MI6 and her partner Bryan of the CIA. Many people think of this team as Mulder and Scully, but in fact Debris and The X-Files have much more in common than the gender composition of the research unit.
Both series combine science fiction, mysticism, and subtle psychology, as if to remind us that humanity is also a part of space, and a pretty important one at that.
4. Moonbase 8, 2020
There are no distant stars or supersonic ships in this sci-fi series, but the show is still fun to watch. The action takes place in the desert, at a training base, where three less-than-happy astronauts are preparing to fly to the moon.
It's not like they're facing any truly cosmic challenges, but the men are struggling. Does that stop them from continuing to pursue their dreams? No, and that makes the absurd comedy not only funny, but also very cute.