Dear Virgin River, We're Breaking Up with Mel & Jack If Season 5 Doesn't Deliver

On and off and on again…
It's been on and off more times than the bathroom light and, to be honest, this whole Jack and Mel relationship is starting to grind a few gears.
It was obvious from the moment Mel walked into the bar and was served by Jack in season 1 that these were two people who were going to get together. So we weren't surprised to see them smashing baseballs around in the early hours of the morning. It was just a way of confirming what we all knew was coming, right?
But then they weren't really together. Then they were, after Jack saved Mel from a knife-wielding intruder. And then they weren't again after Mel friend-zoned Jack the morning after they slept together.
But, you guessed it, Mel saw the error of her ways and realised she had developed feelings for Jack. So things were back on track.
Until Mel found Jack with a gunshot wound at the end of season 2.
Any uncertainty about Jack's fate was removed when he appeared in the trailer for Season 3. And indeed, when the new season kicked off, they were very much together, sharing a bath.
But when Jack's house caught fire, they were left with only one real option – to move in together. Finally, they were a real couple, living together and planning their future. Only Mel wanted a baby and Jack didn't.
So maybe they weren't quite ready to spend eternity together. But then Mel announced that she was pregnant! And there was a chance that the baby might not be Jack's. Although there was nothing to worry about. She wasn't cheating on him – just using her late husband's frozen sperm to try getting pregnant.
However, by lucky chance the baby was Jack's and everything was rosy in the garden of Jack and Mel.
But we can't take too much more of this. There's only so much on-off-off-off you can take from one show. So, this is a call out to season 5 of Virgin River.
Sort it out, get something else going and give us a second storyline with these two. In all honesty, there has been no arc and no character development in the previous four seasons. And if we don't get that pretty quickly, we're going to break up with Meal and Jack – and we're not going to get back together.