Controversial Klaroline Plot Point Vampire Diaries Fans Still Bitter About

Controversial Klaroline Plot Point Vampire Diaries Fans Still Bitter About
Image credit: The CW

Fans disagree with the way the writers brought the couple together.

Back in the early 2010s, The CW's The Vampire Diaries was one of the most popular series on the air. The addictive supernatural romance story managed to capture the interest of millions of viewers with a clever narrative trick, making it clear that any character on the show could be shipped off to another.

As a result, fans were invested not only in the central love triangle, but also in a dozen other supporting romances, arguing among themselves about which one should be considered the endgame.

However, with such an approach to building chemistry between their characters, the series' writers were bound to make some mistakes, and the controversial way they decided to have Caroline sleep with Klaus was just one of them. Before this storyline, Caroline was considered one of The Vampire Diaries' sweetest characters, but this strange love story did irreparable damage to her personality.

While fans were supportive of Caroline moving on from her ex-boyfriend Tyler, who struggled with severe mental health issues and practically ignored her, the way they broke up made people angry. Instead of trying to work things out with Tyler, Caroline decided to sleep with Klaus for no apparent reason, ruining her previous journey as a likable character.

'I'll never forgive the writers for messing up their relationship just for a little sex scene. Even Elena was out of character in the beginning, she kept telling Caroline to go after Jesse… like just because Tyler isn't physically there doesn't mean anything. I hate how relationships/hookups were the writers' main focus,' a viewer noted.

In addition, most fans were disgusted that Caroline chose to sleep with Klaus, as he was by far the worst choice of boyfriend for her. This forced the entire Vampire Diaries fandom to split in two, with some supporting Caroline and Klaus, and others blasting the writers for making this questionable ship a reality.

'Isn't it completely normal to sleep with the guy who almost killed you twice and forced your boyfriend to leave you, because he rebelled against his quasi-slave bond? Klaroline shippers are crazy for overlooking these things,' one Redditor summed up fans' complaints, and these are totally to the point.

Source: Reddit.