Coherence and 4 Other Lesser-Known but Brilliant Sci-Fi Thrillers

Coherence and 4 Other Lesser-Known but Brilliant Sci-Fi Thrillers
Image credit: Oscilloscope Laboratories

Especially for all fans of the genre, we have collected five exciting sci-fi thrillers that will help you spend a lonely evening without leaving home.

It often happens that worthy movies pass by the viewers, and gain cult status only among cinephile audiences. However, there are many lesser-known but impressive sci-fi movies.

1. Synchronic, 2019

The movie takes place in an alternate universe where a synthetic drug with a horrible side effect rules. The main characters, two emergency room doctors, try to save people who have fallen under the influence of a mysterious substance.

Synchronic is a visually accurate puzzle movie that will, if not shock, certainly impress even the most die-hard fans of the science fiction genre.

2. Coherence, 2013

James Ward Byrkit's Coherence is one of those cheap movies that can outdo big commercial blockbusters. It's nowhere near the special effects of Edge of Tomorrow, but it has something better: a genuinely exciting and, most importantly, scientifically sound idea about traveling to parallel realities.

The plot revolves around a group of friends who find themselves under the influence of Miller's Comet, which unexpectedly comes close to Earth.

It's worth noting that Byrkit, who is best known for his work in the theater, decided not to shoot the film according to a strict script, but instead allowed his actors to improvise – most of Coherence is based on dialogues that were literally born in the moment.

3. In the Shadow of the Moon, 2019

The movie revolves around a patrolman named Thomas who is investigating a series of mysterious murders.

While chasing a suspected criminal, something terrible happens – the woman dies under the wheels of a train. However, ten years later, the main character realizes that the deceased has somehow been resurrected and started killing again.

In the Shadow of the Moon is a rather suspenseful thriller with unpredictable twists, connected with the complex intricacies of time and space travel.

4. Zone 414, 2021

The events of Zone 414 take place in the near future, where high-tech humanoid robots exist. When the daughter of the creator of these robots suddenly disappears, he sends private detective David to look for her.

Along the way, the main character not only finds the girl, but also uncovers the secret of the emergence of robot colonies. Zone 414 will definitely appeal to all fans of cyberpunk and the vibe of the 80s.

5. Oxygen, 2021

The events of the movie revolve around a woman who wakes up in a futuristic medical capsule: she has no memory of her own past and no idea how she ended up in this place.

Nevertheless, her instinct for self-preservation compels her to act, or else she will simply be left without oxygen.

The film's director, Alexandre Aja, masterfully builds tension, gradually revealing previously omitted plot details to the viewers and raising the stakes in the fight for survival.