CLOY Fans, Here are 10 Wholesome K-Dramas to Binge Next

CLOY Fans, Here are 10 Wholesome K-Dramas to Binge Next
Image credit: Netflix

While 'Crash Landing on You' may be one of the highest-rated (by Rotten Tomatoes at least) K-dramas of all time, there's enough great shows just like it.

These 10 K-dramas are like a cozy blanket on a rainy day, each one packed with stories that have that perfect mix of laughter, tears, and those oh-so-sweet moments that make you press pause just to sigh and smile.

For fans of 'Crash Landing on You' who are still riding that high from the whirlwind romance and heart-tugging moments, there's a whole world of K-dramas out there ready to fill that CLOY-shaped hole in your heart with just as much warmth and charm.

They're the shows that you start watching thinking you'll just check out an episode or two, but before you know it, it's 2 AM and you're six episodes deep, completely hooked by the irresistible blend of loveable characters, heartwarming narratives, and just enough drama to keep things interesting without tipping over into heartbreak territory.

While nothing might quite replace 'Crash Landing on You' in your heart, these series come pretty darn close, offering up a buffet of feel-good, wholesome stories that are all about capturing that magic and warmth that makes K-dramas such a delightful escape from the everyday.