Castiel's 10 Sassiest One-Liners on Supernatural, Ranked

Sometimes intentionally, sometimes by accident, Castiel always brings the sass.
Castiel is a national treasure, appearing in the third most episodes of Supernatural despite only making his debut in Season 5. With his rusty people skills, impeccable logic, and iconic sass, he quickly became a fan favorite.
Here are Castiel's 10 greatest quotes, in order of sassiness:
'Hey, ass-butt!'
This loses points for being a clumsy insult -- but it may also be Castiel's most quotable line. Even Dean was confused; after Castiel threw an oil Molotov cocktail at Michael, he turned around and asked, 'Ass-Butt?'
'I learned that from the Pizza Man.'
When Meg planted a kiss on Castiel in Season 6, Episode 10, she wasn't expecting his reaction: A passionate kiss right back. Castiel explains that he learned this from the Pizza Man, star of his newfound adult movies.
'I assume it's because 7 is a prime number, and prime numbers can be intimidating.'
If you give Castiel basic puns, he'll shut them down with pure, sassy logic. Castiel dropped this line in Season 9, Episode 22, while reading an Enochian riddle. Just to be clear, 6 is afraid of 7 because 7-8-9.
'This is a vessel. My true form is approximately the size of your Chrysler Building.'
In Season 6, Episode 7, Castiel wanted to remind us of his true size and power by bragging that he's the size of the 77-story New York skyscraper. But if that's true -- is it really bragging?
'The voice says I'm almost out of minutes.'
This was early in Misha Collins' run as Castiel (introduced early in Season 4), when the angel was still endearingly naive. When he called Dean from a burner phone, he thought the voice reminding him that he was out of minutes was actually a voice speaking to him.
'No, he's not on flatbread.'
In another bout of unintentional sass, Castiel drops this line when Dean jokingly suggests they could find God in New Mexico, since he's supposedly burned on a tortilla.
'My people skills are rusty.'
In Season 6, Sam has been calling Castiel for a year. Dean calls once, and Castiel finally comes down. Sam and Dean get frustrated when he asks for help, and he drops this iconic line -- complete with ultra-sassy air quotes.
'At least I don't look like a lumberjack.'
By Season 12, Castiel has mastered the art of sass. He meets with Dean to find Lucifer, and Dean jokes that Castiel might be dressed a little too fancy for this town. Castiel replies that it's better than dressing like a lumberjack.
'I found a liquor store, and I drank it.'
In Season 5, Episode 17, the apocalypse is coming and Castiel can't stop it. Sam notices that Castiel seems a He replies that he found a liquor store. 'And?' 'And I drank it.'
'Maybe someday, but today you are my little bitch.'
Castiel's greatest quote. The archangel Raphael threatens him, saying he will find Castiel. Castiel is unfazed, and drops this gloriously sassy line, which Dean can only respond to with 'What he said!'