Bridgerton Fans Don't Pity Eloise – and You Shouldn't, Too

Bridgerton Fans Don't Pity Eloise – and You Shouldn't, Too
Image credit: Netflix

Everybody knows a person who thinks they are better than the rest.

Such people are usually very unhappy, despite their alleged greatness — and yet, they evoke no sympathy at all. In fact, they are pathetic in their self-righteous misery.

Following the lives of the Bridgertons, the eponymous Netflix show features a character that might just suit the description.

Eloise Bridgerton appears on the show as a side character — but a very prominent one, and her plot line is pretty intricate compared to the other minor characters'.

Importantly, Eloise is not among the favorite characters of Bridgerton fans, who don't think she is worthy of pity at all.

Waiting for the new third season to arrive, the show's fans decided to sum up the reasons why Eloise isn't a nice character who deserves anyone's sympathy or attention. So if you happen to feel sorry for her occasionally, these points will make you disillusioned and rethink your attitude towards Eloise.

Bridgerton Fans Don't Pity Eloise – and You Shouldn't, Too - image 1

Nosy as Hell

Eloise seems to have nothing to do but to mind everybody else's business.

She is constantly overstepping personal boundaries — there are even several scenes in the show where we see her rummaging through the other characters' belongings or rooms.

Blindly Entitled

Eloise feels entitled to criticize and look down on everybody around her. She treats other characters like she knows better, not realizing how privileged and lucky she is to be who she is, live her life like she does, and do as she pleases.


Eloise often says that women shouldn't be subservient to men and let anyone look down on them, but at the same time, she is the one who belittles every other woman around her. She also berates Penelope for being up in other people's business when she never minds her own.


In all her arrogance, Eloise hardly ever watches her language. Although she doesn't say obscenities or expletives on the show, she never considers other characters' feelings whenever she has something to say to them.

Terrible Friend

Eloise has few friends on the show, and that isn't surprising. Whenever Penelope comes to her for support, she doesn't hide her contempt.

Eloise has no respect for Penelope's opinion and values and never listens to her friend's advice even though she's asking for it.

All in all, Eloise Bridgerton acts like a self-centered teen who speaks a lot and criticizes others but doesn't do much else apart from speaking. And indeed, she doesn't deserve your pity at all, however hard her lot supposedly is.