Big Bang Theory Fans Still Not Over Bernadette's Worst Trait 14 Years Later

Big Bang Theory Fans Still Not Over Bernadette's Worst Trait 14 Years Later
Image credit: CBS

You already know what it is…

Everybody has pet peeves. These will often be things you see in other people and just can't stand getting triggered by. When it comes to comedy, however, such annoying personality traits are often exaggerated to make a character into a full-blown walking-talking caricature.

CBS's hit show The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example of this – every character personifies one particular personality trait that makes them extra funny and memorable. On the other hand, not every TBBT character is universally loved by the audience. Bernadette is by far the most annoying member of the TBBT gang, and there is one particular personality trait that pushes her beyond redemption.

Although it's been four years since The Big Bang Theory wrapped up, the show and its cast are still very popular with viewers worldwide. However, Howard's girlfriend and later wife, Bernadette, has never been a favourite with TBBT fans: most find her high-pitched voice unpardonably grating.

Bernadette was introduced later in the show but quickly became integral to TBBT's main storyline. However, fans never really liked her, finding her voice too squeaky and unnatural. Furthermore, Bernadette tends to raise her voice and start yelling whenever something or somebody upsets her, especially when Howard does something to tick her off. To add insult to injury, Bernadette's voice sounds creepily similar to that of Howard's mother, who also bossed him around by constantly yelling at him from her upstairs room.

That was clearly an intentional plot device on the part of the show's writers and was supposed to be funny, but many fans found it cringeworthy.

Perhaps, what makes Bernadette's yelling in a grating, high-pitched tone even more disturbing is the dissonance between her screams and her cute princess-like appearance. As we're reminded in a Young Sheldon episode, Bernadette is a beauty pageant girl who knows how to behave properly and whose high-pitched voice actually completes her image when she's not yelling but talking normally. Thus, when she does yell, it comes across as totally out of character for her, which, apparently, was supposed to amplify the comedic effect in TBBT.

'It's somewhat the point of comedy in multiple episodes. It's sort of annoying but mostly when she uses it like, "I am just a small girl with a sweet voice," which is just obnoxious,' a Redditor pointed out.

Anyway, Bernadette is such a memorable character exactly because of her flaws and contradictions. She made us laugh many times and still does whenever we rewatch TBBT, a classic show that even Bernadette's annoying high-pitched voice can't put us off watching.

Source: Reddit.