Behind the Scenes Drama: Love Is Blind Stars Claim the Show 'Ruins Lives'

Behind the Scenes Drama: Love Is Blind Stars Claim the Show 'Ruins Lives'
Image credit: Netflix

Contestants reveal the gruelling filming process for the hit reality show Love is Blind.

Netflix's Love is Blind attracted fans for four seasons with its unique twist: thirty people are isolated and tasked with talking to and falling in love without actually seeing each other. While this premise might sound crazy, the drama it generated made the show a rewarding experience for fans worldwide.

However, it appears that the filming process was anything but fun for the contestants, who complained about the unbearable conditions they endured.

In a recent Insider article, contestants from multiple seasons accused producers of torturing them for entertainment, describing the filming atmosphere as unsafe and dangerous. They detailed how controlled they felt during filming and how they were forced to do the producers' bidding without complaining.

‘You thrust us into this situation without any support, and everything’s amplified. It literally ruins lives,’ said Nick Thompson, a season 2 contestant.

Contestants revealed that all the filming was done in studios without any light, and they were expected to work 20-hour days for two weeks straight! Given such gruelling conditions, it's no wonder most of them looked pale after emerging from the pods.

Moreover, they disclosed that they weren't adequately fed during their long shifts on the show, as food and water were in short supply on set.

However, contestants noted that they were provided with an immense amount of free alcohol, as the producers seemingly wanted to see them intoxicated and primed for drama. Fans are outraged by these predatory tactics and accuse Netflix of violating human rights for cheap entertainment.

It seems that Love is Blind is not only incapable of making people genuinely fall in love, but it's also a serious health and safety hazard.

Source: Business Insider.