Apparently, It's Americans to Blame for The Witcher Season 3 Critical Crash

Apparently, It's Americans to Blame for The Witcher Season 3 Critical Crash
Image credit: Netflix

Looks like the producers intend to alienate the fandom even more.

Without a doubt, Netflix's The Witcher is one of the biggest missed opportunities streaming has ever seen. With great source material in the form of Andrzej Sapkowski's novels and dedicated fantasy fan Henry Cavill in the lead, the show looked like it was going to be the one for the ages, but the result was disappointing.

As soon as the first season hit the platform, it became painfully clear that Netflix didn't care about the original books and was creating a cheap, lazy, shallow junk food of a TV series to make a quick buck.

But even though the first two seasons of The Witcher were pretty obnoxious, they were still watchable, which unfortunately cannot be said about the recently released Season 3. In the new installment, the show's level of stupidity has reached even greater heights, forcing Cavill to quickly leave the project before its fourth season.

And it looks like it was American viewers who made The Witcher a total failure on all fronts! Well, at least that's what the series' producer Tomek Baginski believes.

Of course, Americans had nothing to do with the fact that the show was a total mess, but The Witcher producer decided to use this strange idea to absolve himself and the creative team of their sins, which certainly didn't turn out the way he expected.

'When a series is made for a huge mass of viewers, with different experiences, from different parts of the world, and a large part of them are Americans, these simplifications not only make sense, they are necessary. It's painful for us, and for me too, but the higher level of nuance and complexity will have a smaller range, it won't reach people. Sometimes it may go too far, but we have to make these decisions and accept them,' Baginski said.

Essentially, The Witcher producer just accused millions of American fans of being simple-minded and incapable of understanding any kind of nuance and complexity.

Obviously, Baginski's words have nothing to do with reality, as both the original books and The Witcher games are huge hits in the US, and the fact that The Witcher turned out to be such a bad show has something to do with Baginski himself, not the audience.

Source: Wyborcza (via Redanian Intelligence).