And Just Like That Season 2: 5 Reasons to Be Excited for Carrie & Aidan Endgame

And Just Like That Season 2: 5 Reasons to Be Excited for Carrie & Aidan Endgame
Image credit: Legion-Media, HBO

Judge for yourself how valid those reasons are.

The official trailer for Season 2 of And Just Like That… dropped a few days ago, provoking a lot of discussion and speculation about what the upcoming season of the Sex and the City spin-off will have in store for its many fans.

Viewers got quite excited with the new trailer, in large part because it promises the final (really-final-this-time) endgame relationship for the cult show's protagonist Carrie Bradshaw. The character's turbulent love life has been the source of much action in the parent series, Sex and the City, as well as its sequel.

And despite all the circumstances that piled up to block this pairing, her endgame partner is apparently Aidan Shaw — and some fans are really happy with that development. Let's look at five reasons why.

5. Some may argue against this development (on various grounds), but you can't say that the characters being together was unexpected. Carrie and Aidan's endgame romance is totally in line with the established characters and the nature of their relationship — the couple has a long history of mutual attraction which neither common sense nor their obligations could entirely quell.

4. Expanding upon that, if you like to see romantic attraction that overcomes all obstacles, Carrie and Aidan's relationship is one prime example, so you should get excited for their story to develop further in Season 2.

3. While this point is highly contested within the fandom, you can argue that Aidan has always been the best man for Carrie and that they were kept apart more by various plot contrivances rather than the incompatibility of their characters per se.

2. Naturally, seeing the finale of a character's long-running story should make people excited — otherwise, that whole arc would feel like a failure, wouldn't it?

The relationship between Aidan and Carrie has been long, complicated, and tumultuous, and though it seemed to be over and done with for a while, fans can now hope to see the characters' 'happily ever after' in the upcoming season.

1. Lastly, if you're a long-time fan and a long-time shipper of the couple, your dreams are finally coming true, nuff said.

Season 2 of And Just Like That… is set to premiere this June, so you won't have to wait long to find out the details of this exciting pairing.