8 Major Vampire Diaries Characters Who Died & Came Back to Life

8 Major Vampire Diaries Characters Who Died & Came Back to Life
Image credit: The CW, Legion-Media

Few shows have depicted as many deaths as The Vampire Diaries.

During its eight-season run, virtually every main character died at least once. But death is not always permanent in the world of TVD, and some have met their demise only to make a miraculous comeback.

Whether through magic, vampire blood, or sheer determination, these eight characters defied the odds and returned from the great beyond.

1. Elena

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Died: season 2, episode 21, "The Sun Also Rises"

Came back to life: season 2, episode 21, "The Sun Also Rises"

The first time Elena died, her blood was drained by Klaus for a ritual, but John Gilbert stepped in and sacrificed himself for her. Although John was highly disliked in the fandom at the time, many felt sad that he gave up his life to save Elena from becoming a vampire just for her to turn into one later on anyway. Of course, that was not the only time Elena would face death on the show. However, she ultimately lived a long life as a human before dying and finding peace, which is a luxury many others couldn't have.

2. Alaric

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Died: season 1, episode 15, "A Few Good Men"

Came back to life: season 1, episode 15, "A Few Good Men"

When Alaric discovered that Damon was behind his wife's transition into a vampire, he got into a heated confrontation with Damon, who then staked Alaric. Stefan showed up and remained by his side when Alaric suddenly resurrected thanks to his ring. However, he went on to experience death on more than one occasion. From being stabbed by a werewolf to getting his neck snapped, the high school teacher turned Vampire Hunter certainly went through the wringer time and again.

3. Jeremy

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Died: season 2, episode 1, "The Return"

Came back to life: season 2, episode 1, "The Return"

In a shock move, Damon cracked Jeremy’s neck right in front of Elena, but thankfully, he was protected by the Gilbert ring. Fans were not impressed with Damon's actions as Jeremy was just a young kid, and there was no good reason for it. That was not Jeremy's last rodeo, however. He suffered a string of deaths, including being shot by sheriff Forbes, getting his heart stopped and neck broken (again). The question on everyone's mind by that point was, how many times will Bonnie have to rush to his rescue?

4. Stefan

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Died: season 4, episode 23, "Graduation"

Came back to life: Season 5, Episode 3 "Original Sin"

As one can expect, Stefan has experienced his fair share of deaths throughout his lifetime and the show's run. But the one that stood out as the most horrific one was when Silas locked him in a safe and threw it into a lake. Stefan suffered for months, drowning and resurrecting, only to drown again and again. Many fans felt like it was the most brutal moment out of the entire series, with some even having nightmares after witnessing it.

5. Damon

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Died: season 5, episode 22, "Home"

Came back to life: season 6, episode 5 “The World Has Turned and Left Me Here”

While attempting to eliminate travelers on the Other Side, Damon and Bonnie ended up stranded in a prison world, leaving everyone thinking they're gone forever. This was by far the saddest and most emotional moment in Damon and Elena's relationship for many fans. Luckily, the two managed to figure out how to return eventually.

6. Bonnie

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Died: season 4, episode 22, "The Walking Dead"

Came back to life: season 5, episode 7, “Death and the Maiden”

Bonnie's tragic death took place when she tried to resurrect Jeremy using her magic, but it ended up being too much for her. However, by taking on the role of the anchor to the Other Side, she was able to be revived from death. This was probably one of the more controversial deaths of the series as many fans were convinced Jeremy didn't deserve her selfless act.

7. Caroline

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Died: season 2, episode 1, "The Return"

Came back to life: season 2, episode 2, "Brave New World"

Caroline got into an accident and was badly injured as a result. Katherine Pierce then suffocated Caroline to death while she was in the hospital. Fortunately, she came back to life but turned into a vampire, as Damon had previously fed her his blood. Caroline's death was perhaps one of the least sad events as she ended up truly stepping into her own as a vampire later down the line.

8. Matt

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Died: season 4, episode 21, "She's Come Undone"

Came back to life: season 4, episode 21, "She's Come Undone"

Being the only human in a town inhabited by supernatural creatures can be challenging, indeed. In an attempt to turn Elena's humanity back on during season 4, Damon used Matt as a decoy, snapping his neck in front of her. Fortunately, the Gilbert ring prevented Matt's death. But that wasn't the last of it, as Matt endures several deadly experiences throughout his time on the show.