8 Important Lessons We Learned From Better Call Saul's Saul Goodman

8 Important Lessons We Learned From Better Call Saul's Saul Goodman
Image credit: Legion-Media

Let's look back at what we learnt from the lawyer.

Believe in yourself

Jimmy McGill has a highly complex relationship with his older and much more successful brother Chuck, also a lawyer, who does not think much of Jimmy.

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After a humble beginning to his career in his brother's firm's mailroom, Jimmy goes places. And to do that, Jimmy has to believe in himself because nobody else does.

Make a name for yourself, even if it's not yours

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As you will remember, Saul Goodman is a flamboyant, somewhat caricature criminal defence lawyer character that James "Jimmy" Morgan McGill creates as a business brand. The name is a play on the phrase, "It's all good, man!". And Saul Goodman becomes a massive brand in the Albuquerque underworld. If you get into trouble, you'd better call Saul!

Double down on your strengths, which are often just the other side of your weaknesses

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Chuck was right in that Jimmy makes a lousy average lawyer, but Jimmy turned this weakness into a strength and an opportunity. Rebranding himself as Saul Goodman, he took on cases and resorted to tactics that other "respectable" lawyers would never touch with a ten-foot pole, and he carved out a niche for himself.

Advertising can be creative and cheap

Jimmy advertises Saul on buses, benches and on cheap local TV stations. After all, Saul Goodman is himself, essentially, a walking-talking ad.

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Everything about this persona is designed to sell, from the It's All Good Man moniker to the flashy clothes that scream, "a sleazy ambulance chaser for your sleazy shenanigans."

Remember: The number of clients does not necessarily translate into quality

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Saul learns this valuable lesson the hard way after running a seemingly successful advertising campaign. A lot of people respond to his ads – the only problem is that half of them are unhinged, and the other half are insolvent.

Treat every customer with respect

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Relying on his natural charm, Saul boosts the effect by treating every customer with the utmost respect, making them feel really important, even if they're a dirtbag.

Don't take no for an answer

Saul puts this old negotiating tactic into practice masterfully.

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Whenever somebody says no to an offer, Saul changes tactics and gets the client to see the light and accept a paraphrased version of the same offer.

Don't lose your sense of humour (no matter what)

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Saul's love of jokes is something he gets from Jimmy, and more than once, it helps him out in a tight spot: he uses jokes to take the other person down a notch, or to make them feel at ease, or even as a coping strategy to keep his cool when a gun is pointed at his head.