7 TV Deaths So Gut-Wrenching, We Forgot These Characters Weren't Real

Just thinking about some of these will turn you to jelly.
TV deaths often have a way of grabbing us by the feels and bringing tears to our eyes. Sure, we know it's only fiction. But when you're invested in a show or a character, you can still feel a sense of grief when one of your favourites breathes their last.
Here are seven TV deaths that made us forget we were just watching a story:
7. Jamie Tovell – Top Boy
Death was an occupational hazard on this London gangland drama. And let's not forget that we had recently seen Jamie kill his best friend. But the series seemed to be winding down to a close as he sat with his brothers, the epitome of family life. Then there was a knock on the door…
6. Ned Stark – Game of Thrones
Ok, this killing took place in a fantasy world. But it was very real and reminiscent of what I imagine public executions are really like. It was bad enough that his daughters had to watch, but for Ned to have a pardoning dangled before he lost his head was just too much.
5. Poussey Washington – Orange is the New Black
It's always sad to see a main character and fan favourite pass away. But Poussey died in the most tragic of circumstances. After standing up in somebody else's battle, she was accidentally choked to death by a guard who was fighting off someone trying to save Poussey. It was truly tragic and heart-wrenching.
4. Jimmy Darmody – Boardwalk Empire
Lured to his death in the rain-soaked mud, Jimmy's final words saw him turn the tables on Nucky. 'I died in the trenches, years ago,' he told his one-time mentor as he took control of the situation and became the one to impart advice. It was an untimely end for Jimmy and a point of no return to Nucky.
3. Christopher Moltisanti – The Sopranos
Quite why Tony decided to kill his nephew was never quite clear. Was he protecting the family from Christopher's behaviour and eliminating a loose cannon? Or was he simply saving Christopher from his addictions? Probably a bit of both. But for a man for whom killing came so easy, this was a tough one for Tony. And it was equally tough on viewers.
2. Ben Sullivan – Scrubs
Ben (Brendan Fraser) was only in Scrubs for three episodes. Despite this, his death was one of the most memorable in TV history. The simple phrase, 'Where do you think we are?' as the penny dropped with Dr Cox. Ben was never presented as a tragic character and we were led to believe he'd survived treatment. But it wasn't to be and instead, we were treated to a piece of gut-wrenching TV gold in what was ostensibly a sitcom.
1. Mark Greene – ER
Dr Greene had been a lifesaver before a brain tumour took his life in a different direction. His demise was tough to watch, but nothing could have prepared us for his final moments when he reminded his daughter to 'always be generous' before 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' played to a montage of his time in the show and every viewer had a tear in their eye and a lump in their throat.