7 Supernatural Characters Fandom Loves to Hate, Ranked From Bad to Worst

7 Supernatural Characters Fandom Loves to Hate, Ranked From Bad to Worst
Image credit: The CW

Fans can't stand these characters.

In its 15 years on the air, Supernatural featured lots of fascinating storylines and characters that were usually quite well written. However, there were also a number of characters who failed to impress the audience. In fact, many in the Supernatural fandom continue to hate them to this day.

Here are seven such characters, suggested by fans on Reddit, ranked from bad to worst.

7. Vili

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First up on our list is none other than the Norse god Vili, introduced to the story in Season 8. His false persona of a polite old man did not match his creepy personality and actions at all. Remember how Vili killed the bank clerk in order to give Plutus 5/8 of a virgin at an auction? Horrible!

6. Billie

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Let's face it: Billie was a poorly written character when she was a reaper. But when she took Death's place, it got a lot worse. No, her character just didn't work in the script altogether.

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5. Claire

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Claire Novak was originally introduced as a tragic character, harboring resentment and hatred toward angels and especially Castiel for the death of her family. But when Claire decided to become a hunter, inexperienced and romanticizing this dangerous activity despite Sam and Dean's warnings, many fans were simply infuriated.

4. Amelia

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Amelia Richardson was one of the most frequently mentioned characters among the Redditors. No wonder, since there was absolutely no chemistry between her and Sam. It was great to see Sam trying to build a normal life, but Amelia's backstory was completely useless.

3. Asmodeus

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Many fans hated the character instantly when he appeared in the show in Season 13. Asmodeus' awful mannerisms, intonations, style, and the fact that he held Gabriel captive for years, torturing him and taking advantage of his grace, made him utterly despicable. What's worse, the character added nothing to the story.

2. Metatron

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While he had plenty of reasons to be the way he was and managed to partially redeem himself by helping the Winchesters defeat Amara, Metatron is still an incredibly pathetic character. His entire motivation was based on lack of attention and love from his father — God. Also, fans will never forgive him for killing Dean.

1. Mary Winchester

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Sam and Dean's mother is one of the most obnoxious characters. After being resurrected and reunited with her children after 30 years, Mary basically didn't care about them or their safety. In particular, her decision to abandon them to see the world annoyed fans, who say she was partly responsible for what happened to the brothers.

Source: Reddit.