7 Most Memorable Guest Stars Who Appeared on The Big Bang Theory

TBBT had many celebrity guests during its twelve season run.
Throughout TBBT's impressive tenure on CBS, the sitcom hosted many stellar guests. Here are seven of the most memorable.
Stan Lee (Season 3, Episode 16)
The creator of many popular Marvel superheroes appears in The Excelsior Acquisition. In the episode, Stewart's uncle, Lee's dermatologist, persuades the man to attend a comic book signing at Stewart's store. The gang, except for Sheldon, gets to meet Stan Lee, who gets along with everyone except Raj. Upset that he didn't get to meet the comic book creator, Sheldon stops by his house to introduce himself and gets a restraining order.
Carrie Fisher (Season 7, Episode 14)
The Princess Leia actress makes a brief appearance in The Convention Conundrum, where Sheldon, accompanied by James Earl Morton, Fisher's Star Wars co-star, plays a childish prank on her by ringing her doorbell and fleeing. Armed with a baseball bat, Carrie Fisher yells at the Darth Vader actor to get lost and leave her alone.
Adam West (Season 9, Episode 17)
The legendary Batman actor appears in The Celebration Experimentation, where he's invited by Sheldon's friends to Dr. Cooper's thirty-sixth birthday party. As Leonard, Raj and Howard drive him to the party, they chat about Batman and diss the other actors who have played the superhero. At the party, Adam West congratulates Sheldon on the occasion, although he gets the name wrong.
Bill Gates (Season 11, Episode 18)
The founder of Microsoft Corporation was mentioned several times on the show before finally making a cameo appearance in The Gates Excitation. In the episode, Bill Gates spends a day with Penny at her work, while Leonard is moved to tears when he meets his idol.
Neil deGrasse Tyson (2 Episodes)
The famous astrophysicist and TV host appeared in two episodes of the show. In The Apology Insufficiency, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sheldon argue about Pluto. In The Conjugal Configuration, Neil deGrasse Tyson gets into a Twitter war with Raj for insulting him earlier.
Stephen Hawking (7 Episodes)
The legend of physics appeared in person in five episodes of the show, starting with The Hawking Excitation, in which he works with Howard on a project that drives Sheldon crazy, and ending with The Proposal Proposal, in which Sheldon consults him on what to do about his relationship with Amy.
Wil Wheaton (17 Episodes)
The Star Trek: Next Generation star appeared in so many episodes of TBBT that he could be considered a recurring character. Over the years, the actor served as both Sheldon's nemesis and later the gang's friend. Wheaton made his debut in The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary in Season 3.