7 Medical Dramas That Don't Actually Make Us Want to Scream at the TV

7 Medical Dramas That Don't Actually Make Us Want to Scream at the TV
Image credit: Legion-Media

These TV shows actually get the medical profession at least partly right.

Call the Midwife

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This sweet and touching series is an adaptation of the autobiography of midwife Jennifer Lee. The story of a girl from a good family who is sent to the desperately poor part of London called East End. Events unfold in the 50s, a few years before the invention of the first contraceptive pill. Jennifer lives in the convent of Nonnatus House. Day and night, she and other midwives ride their bikes to birth mothers and help the small residents of the East End to be born. The events of the series follow the book quite closely: some stories seem creepy and repulsive, while others, on the contrary, are bursting with love for all mankind.


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We'd be surprised if you've never seen an episode of Scrubs, but we'd envy you. Because of the journey that would lie before you! For nine seasons, the viewer is put somewhere between the reality of the clinic and the bizarre fantasies of the wacky intern (later, of course, turned into doctor) John Dorian or simply JD. Almost every scene has some memorable quotes, and each of the characters by the end of this story will feel like a family to you.

A Young Doctor's Notebook

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A Young Doctor's Notebook is based on a series of short stories by Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. The series consists of two seasons with each episode lasting around 20 minutes. It is a dark tale, full of black British humor, rather accurately reproduces Bulgakov's style and the atmosphere of that time. The action takes place in the snowy countryside, where there is no entertainment other than this one unattractive nurse and... morphine. Don't expect the screen adaptation to blindly follow the original, take it more as a fantasy inspired by the original story.

The Knick

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The main character, Dr. John Thackery, is a surgeon at a New York hospital, where they try to use the most advanced methods of treatment. However, the characters in the story still have a long way to go before they get MRIs, antibiotics, and CT scans, because the series is set at the beginning of the 20th century. You have to use the tools that are available. An extremely visually intense series. Critics especially liked cinematography: they praised the tracking camera, close-ups and the colors.

Casualty 1900s

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This mini-series is not going to impress you with exquisite interiors, dramatic soundtracks, or even a complex plot. But, undoubtedly, it will appeal to all fans of the Victorian era. The series shows not only the difficulties of working in a hospital at the beginning of the XX century, but also the difficult relationships between people from different social classes.

Body of Proof

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Megan Hunt was once a successful neurosurgeon and could have become one of the best doctors in the world. But life had other plans: after a tragic accident, Megan's life went down the drain, both personal and professional. The family fell apart, her daughter ended up in the care of her husband, and she had to change careers as well.

If it does not work out with the living, you have to work with the dead. So Megan decides to become a medical examiner. And since she's used to doing everything well, she also mastered the new profession with flying colors.

Nurse Jackie

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One of the most controversial series about medical workers. The New York Nurses Association has even condemned the image of the show's main character for unethical behavior that contributes to a negative perception of their profession. The main character Jackie is an ambiguous figure: being a really good nurse, she also has a very complicated character, cheating on her husband with a colleague and taking drugs to help her come to terms with this reality.

In 2010, lead actress Edie Falco won an Emmy Award for her role on the show.