7 Hidden Game of Thrones Facts: The Plot Twists You Never Knew About

7 Hidden Game of Thrones Facts: The Plot Twists You Never Knew About
Image credit: Legion-Media

It’s no secret that Game of Thrones was multi-layered.

Or that the show and source material are not totally aligned. Which means some plot twists from the books didn’t make it onto our screens or were only hinted at.

Here are 7 hidden plot points from GoT:

  1. Beric was killed by The Mountain

Remember the trial by combat in which Beric was killed by The Hound (Sandor Clegane)? Well, the first time he died, The Mountain (Gregor Clegane) killed him.

That death (in which he was impaled on a lance during battle) didn’t feature in the show but was mentioned. Talking with Thoros, Beric said defeat to The Hound was the 'second time (he’d) been killed by a Clegane'.

  1. Jaime’s entry in the White Book

After Jaime’s death, Brienne added an entry in his section in the White Book of The Kingsguard. When she opened the page to do so, there were already two entries with different handwriting.

We don't know who wrote the first two, but they were lacking in detail about his successes in battle. So, either people were keen not to celebrate them or (as is speculated) Jaime wrote one of them and his initial bravado a mask for his insecurities.

  1. Ser Duncan’s descendant

In GoT season 1, Old Nan infers that she was once Ser Duncan the Tall’s lover. George R.R. Martin has indicated Brienne of Tarth is a descendant of Ser Duncan. So, Brienne’s link to the Stark family may be more complex than we thought.

  1. Jon Snow’s banner

After being brought back to life by Melisandre, Jon Snow marched on Winterfell with a banner depicting a white wolf on a grey background. His original banner was a grey wolf on a white background, suggesting an illegitimate heir who takes power must flip the colour schemes.

  1. Jon doesn’t understand Dany’s tyrant speech

By the time Dany addressed the assembled Dothraki and Unsullied to inform them that the war wasn’t over, it was clear she was mad. But some listeners had no idea what she was saying – including Jon Snow who, unlike viewers, didn’t have the benefit of subtitles.

So, when he killed her, it can’t have been a reaction to anything she had just said.

  1. The end of the road for giants

With so much death towards the end of GoT, the significance of the giant, Wun Wun’s demise could have been missed.

By this time, he was the only surviving giant. So, his death meant the extinction of a species.

  1. The death of the Unsullied

At the end of the series, Grey Worm and the Unsullied sail for Naath. The inference is that this is to prevent other children from being taken from the island (as had happened to Missandei).

But Naath is also home to Butterfly Fever which eventually kills all non-natives. Despite their good intentions, the Unsullied were sailing to their deaths.