7 Book-to-Movie Adaptations So Bad, We Wish We Could Unsee Them

In the treacherous terrain of book-to-movie adaptations, where the page meets the screen, these seven films stand as monuments to misadventure, the kind you wish came with an undo button.
As we navigate this rogue's gallery of cinematic misfires, brace yourself for a blend of cringe, a dash of disbelief, and a healthy dose of 'what were they thinking?' – these are the book-to-movie adaptations that set the bar for regret, frame by excruciating frame.
Beloved pages, rich in detail and depth, transformed into cinematic chaos, leaving audiences and die-hard fans not just disappointed, but wishing for a memory wipe.
It's not just about lost plot points or characters gone awry; it's the sheer audacity to think all it takes to transpose literary genius to film is a camera and a script, no magic required.
Here's the twist: some of these adaptations boasted blockbuster budgets and star-studded casts, yet managed to miss the mark so spectacularly that they became case studies in how not to bridge the literary-film divide.
From butchered storylines to characters so off-mark they feel like strangers, these adaptations are a masterclass in mismatch, a stark reminder that some written worlds are better left on the page.