6 Game of Thrones Characters We Got Bored of Faster Than You Can Say 'Hodor'

6 Game of Thrones Characters We Got Bored of Faster Than You Can Say 'Hodor'
Image credit: Legion-Media

Be honest, you thought so too.

Generally speaking the casting and acting in Game of Thrones was first class. But there were few characters that didn't quite cut the mustard.

While Jack Gleeson had us hating Joffrey Baratheon and Peter Dinklage had (most) of us rooting for Tyrion Lannister, there were also a few characters who were a bit meh!

6. Euron Greyjoy

His entrance promised a lot. But in truth, he gave very little. Sure, his presence in the show was all about giving Cersei a navy and a fighting chance. But they could have done so much more with the character. In the end, he felt like what he was – a mere plot device.

5. Arya Stark

I'll caveat this with 'when she was in Braavos'. Overall Arya was a decent character and her story arc was inventive. Her time with The Hound had great chemistry between the actors and felt genuine. But how boring was her time trying to become no-one?

That whole story just dragged on and on. We got the point pretty quickly. It was tough, she wasn't ready, and the process was going to involve being hit in the face with a stick an awful lot. A montage would have sufficed.

4. Samwell Tarly

He's one of life's good guys. But good guys don't always make good characters. He was one-dimensional and, while he added something to the show, the mere fact that he made it through training was hard to believe. And as for his relationship with Gilly, I feel sorry for Baby Sam having to listen to those two chattering about the biggest load of nothing for his whole life.

3. Lyanna Mormont

Boy, did they waste Bella Ramsey. We know from The Last of Us just how talented she is, but Lyanna was really quite lame as a character. All of her scenes were pretty much identical and everything about her felt a little forced.

2. Bran Stark

From the moment he escaped Winterfell, Bran seemed to have his own little spin-off show that was just an unwanted distraction from the real story. I'm sure the showrunners were going for a slightly mystical vibe that kept us intrigued.

But really, we were just watching a boy getting dragged around in the snow and falling asleep a lot.

1. Gilly

Booooriiiing!! Was she supposed to be so lacking in personality? I mean, come on, did she do or say anything of any note at any point in the entire series? I'll save you the trouble of rewatching it to find out. No, she didn't.