5 Teen Wolf Lines That Became Iconic (Despite How Terrible The Show Itself Was)

5 Teen Wolf Lines That Became Iconic (Despite How Terrible The Show Itself Was)
Image credit: globallookpress

Although Teen Wolf had plenty of fans during its six-year run and some people still remember it fondly, there were many problems with this supernatural series, especially in terms of its writing and plot, as well as production quality.

On the other hand, the teen drama did have many relatable characters, and some of their lines proved to be especially memorable, as they are still quoted within the fandom.

Here are five iconic lines from Teen Wolf!

5. 'My mom does all the grocery shopping…'

This is what you tell your rival when they start wondering about your physical boost, which seems inexplicable unless you're familiar with supernatural phenomena. When Jackson asks Scott about where he gets the 'juice' (that is, steroids) that helps him excel physically, the protagonist is really confused and blurts out, 'My mom does all the grocery shopping…'

That line has been making fans crack up ever since the very first episode of the show aired in 2011.

4. 'Satan in a V-neck'

Malia was always loyal to Scott and supportive of him. She certainly walked the walk in moments of danger, and there was one line that proved the character's loyalty — and also made viewers smile:

'I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a V-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone.'

3. 'Can someone stay dead' (please)

Peter was the big baddie in the first season, but he is remembered for one funny line from Season 4 — 'Can someone in this town stay dead?!' he said, obviously exasperated by the characters' notorious tendency not to die when killed.

Malia immediately retorted, 'I think they were hoping you would,' referring to the fact that Peter himself had come back from the dead earlier in the show.

2. 'You called the police before you called me?'

This conversation between Lydia and Stiles was probably not intended to be as funny as it turned out to be:

'You called the police before you called me?'

'So I'm supposed to call you first after finding a dead body?'


Laughable as it is, this piece of dialogue also nicely reflects how close the show's key characters are, united by their involvement with supernatural happenings.

1. 'Fire at will.'

In case you haven't recognized it yet, the series' arguably best line comes from Theo, as the main characters try to strike a deal with their treacherous ally.

Noah: 'I see any behavior that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head, God won't even recognize you.'

Theo: 'I'm an atheist. Fire at will.'
