5 Storylines Virgin River Fans Would Like to Change (& Their Ideas Are, Admittedly, Better)

If you were a writer for Virgin River, what storylines would you change?
As Virgin River Season 5 is just around the corner, fans are pumped up and having fun turning to social media to discuss the beloved show. For example, a recent discussion on Reddit raised the question of what arcs and storylines people would change if they had the opportunity to replace the show's writers for a day.
Here are the top five picks.
Ricky Sudder
The audience was saddened when Ricky left Virgin River for basic Marine training in Season 4. His romance with Lizzie was a highlight of the show for many viewers, so some fans would like Ricky to fail his training and return to the town to get back together with Lizzy.
Joey Barnes
Melinda Monroe's sister is an interesting character, and fans would like to see more of her. In Season 4, Joey got a new husband, Nate, but some viewers feel that their chemistry is off.
Instead, they would like to see Joey get together with Dr. Cameron Hayek, who seems like a better fit for her. Besides, this would also mean that Joey would have to move to Virgin River.
Brie Sheridan
Viewers don't like the pairing of Jack's younger sister and Dan Brady, hoping that Brie's happily ever after will be with Mike Valenzuela. Fortunately, in Robyn Carr's original book series, Brie does end up with Mike, and the show has already hinted at this development.
Charmaine Roberts
Fans got tired of Charmaine and her constant meddling in Jack Sheridan's life. Plus, she seems to have been pregnant for ages, which is a little creepy. People would like to see Charmaine finally give birth and leave Virgin River for good, which would effectively end her arc.
Virgin River
The fictional Northern California town of Virgin River is named after the river it sits on. While the place looks quaint and picturesque, fans suspect it may have some dark secrets. With all the sickness and disease in the Netflix show, viewers wonder if the river is polluted or contains something dangerous. If they were writing for the show, viewers would have the characters test the river and get rid of the problem that is poisoning their otherwise happy lives.
Source: Reddit.