5 Reasons Why Virgin River's Muriel Deserves More Love Than She Gets

This character is underappreciated by fans of the show.
When it premiered in 2019, Virgin River proved to be an instant hit. Adapted from Robyn Carr's novel series of the same name, the Netflix romantic drama won over audiences around the world with its compelling love stories and charismatic characters.
Interestingly, VR's characters aren't all likable. Charmaine, for example, is the ultimate pet peeve of many viewers, as fans of the show tend to vilify her for interfering with the central duo's romance. Meanwhile, Muriel is stuck somewhere in between, neither loved nor hated by Virgin River fans. However, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Muriel is one of the best characters on the show.
Here are just five reasons why.
Muriel's personality is best described by her relationship with Virgin River's mayor, Hope McCrea. One of the most obnoxious characters on Virgin River, Hope doesn't seem to care about other people's feelings when she says or does something. And Muriel often takes the brunt of it, but she always forgives her best friend, no matter how badly Hope has treated her.
Unlike Hope, Muriel is very thoughtful and considerate. She always considers other people's feelings. For example, she never acted on her crush on Doc, even though she saw how difficult things were between him and Hope. And after their brief romance, Muriel respected Doc's desire to mend fences with Hope and stepped back.
It may sound simple, but Muriel is one of the kindest people in this small California town. Working with Doc and Mel, she cares deeply for the latter, who she hopes will find true happiness in Virgin River after the many misfortunes Monroe has seen in her life.
While Muriel cares about other people's feelings, she is bold enough to not care what others think of her. Her relationship with Cameron, who is almost two decades her junior, is ample proof of her I-don't-give-a-damn attitude. Muriel knows that her happiness is her own business, and she's not afraid to take a few steps toward it.
Last but not least, Muriel is absolutely gorgeous. She's stylish. She's elegant. She's confident. She doesn't give up on herself. And she's extremely attractive. With that in mind, it's no wonder Cameron fell for her. After all, beauty lies in the charisma and energy a person radiates. And Muriel has plenty of that.