5 Reasons Ted Lasso Might Be Overrated (Hear Us Out!)

5 Reasons Ted Lasso Might Be Overrated (Hear Us Out!)
Image credit: Apple TV+

The series is too good to be true.

Ted Lasso, one of the most popular ongoing shows on Apple TV+ and beyond, has received critical acclaim and numerous awards, including the 2021 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.

Despite these accolades, we cautiously propose that Ted Lasso might be overrated, and here's why:

5. Lack of Research

While some TV series take artistic liberties with their subject matter (e.g., the average police procedural), others conduct superficial research. Ted Lasso seemingly falls into the latter category. The writers never fully explore the rich background of supporting a local team and its significance for working-class Brits.

4. Lack of Character Conflicts

Creating a series with no real villains is acceptable, but transforming antagonistic characters like Trent Crimm into friends within a single episode is less so.

Even Rebecca Welton, who, at the end of Season 1, admits to trying to sabotage the team in a bid to get back at her ex-husband, is quickly forgiven by Ted.

3. Lack of Direction

By Season 3, the show appears to meander with insufficient conflicts, struggling to develop engaging storylines.

2. Lack of Comedy

It seems Ted Lasso exhausted its supply of jokes by the end of Season 2, now relying on recycled humour. The characters' dialogue has become increasingly less amusing, which ties into the next, most significant reason why Ted Lasso might be overrated.

1.Toxic Positivity

Ted Lasso is so relentlessly positive that it's challenging to find a children's cartoon that promotes the virtues of positivity and kindness more forcefully. Many of the issues mentioned above stem from this central flaw.

For example, Ted Lasso can't have characters who consistently create conflict because that's not very positive. It can't have too many jokes because even the gentlest humour involves people experiencing unexpected outcomes, and laughing at that isn't very kind.

In summary, Ted Lasso's over-the-top positivity may be its downfall. Nevertheless, you can catch the next episode on 26 April if you like the show despite all its flaws.