5 Reasons Sarah Cameron is the Best Outer Banks Character (And No, It's Not Because She's Hot)

5 Reasons Sarah Cameron is the Best Outer Banks Character (And No, It's Not Because She's Hot)
Image credit: Netflix

Some characters win our hearts right away.

Netflix's Outer Banks has proven to be one of the best teen series of recent years, boasting a fascinating plot, beautiful settings, and a vivid cast of characters. Since its first season hit the screens in 2020, viewers felt immediately attached to the group of teenagers searching for treasure and trying to survive poverty in a coastal town of North Carolina. And of all the show's characters, Sarah Cameron has been the most compelling to follow, fans say.

Here are five reasons why Madelyn Cline's character is the best in Outer Banks, according to Redditors.

5. Her experience is the most traumatic of all

This may sound controversial, but it is trauma that makes characters alive and multifaceted, also providing a major source of conflict within the plot. In the second season, Sarah's life was on the line many times, her own brother tried to kill her, and her father faked his death and then ended up dying in front of her in Season 3. Fans feel sympathetic to Sarah, as she has really been through a lot.

4. She's willing to let go of her privileges

While she has always been a daddy's girl, Sarah was ready to give up the privileges she had the moment she met the Pogues gang. Viewers appreciate her for being a very open-minded character with a strong moral compass.

3. She has her flaws

Deep and well-written characters must have flaws. In the beginning, Sarah was a spoiled kid who treated other people like property, and she also had trust issues, which led her to cheat on John B. The character has grown a lot over the course of the show, becoming a better version of herself.

2. She's a decent person

Even though some of her actions were questionable, Sarah has always behaved like a decent human being who is able to separate good from evil and reflect on her own and other people's actions. She can also see the good in others, which is a valuable character quality.

1. She's the very heart of the show!

Outer Banks is a show about friendship, teamwork, and helping others, so Sarah is definitely at its center — many fans think she is the most compassionate, empathetic, and intelligent of all characters.

Source: Reddit.