5 Outlander Episodes That Leave Fans Gagging for All the Wrong Reasons

5 Outlander Episodes That Leave Fans Gagging for All the Wrong Reasons
Image credit: STARZ

We're not talking about the Outlander scenes that turned your stomach because of their gritty, intense violence. We're talking about the bad episodes.

The ones that got painfully cheesy or just annoying. When any show runs this long, there are bound to be some episodes that rubbed viewers the wrong way – here are five of Outlander's worst.

The Fiery Cross (Season 5, Episode 1) There were some truly odd choices in this episode, from the unintentionally hilarious needle drop of Frank Sinatra's 'L-O-V-E' to the incredibly cheesy 'til death do us part' moment for Claire and Jamie.

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But the bit that made us gag was when we watched a montage involving the marriage beds of three central couples. Was it supposed to be hot? Fun? Whatever the intention, I don't want to see images of a daughter having sex mixed in with shots of her naked parents. **shudder**

Creme de Menthe (Season 3 Episode 7) What's the opposite of a fan-favorite episode? For Outlander fans, it's Creme de Menthe. On the heels of a stunning and heartfelt reunion for Claire and Jamie, this episode suddenly throws us a bunch of turgid, slow-moving plot points mostly revolving around secondary characters we don't care about.

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Plus Claire keeps trying to weakly explain why she took off for twenty years and everyone just… accepts it? Why? Even we can't accept it, and we know the truth!

Better To Marry Than Burn (Season 5 Episode 6) C'mon, Jocasta's wedding in The Fiery Cross novel was way, way more interesting than this.

And the weird stable scene in this episode was a rare misstep in Outlander's sexy department.

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Jamie tells Claire that she should act more like a woman of his time, she slaps him really hard, and then they start breathing heavily and going at it. At best it's funny, at worst it eroticizes intimate partner violence, but mostly I'm worried that they might have traumatized Lucas the horse.

First Wife (Season 3, Episode 8) Okay, does anyone believe that Jaime would have married Laoghaire? Or that Laoghaire would have 'redeemed' herself?

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It's all very well and good to throw obstacles in the way of our favorite couple, but this just made me gag – I don't care how cute Laoghaire's kids are, this was drama for drama's sake and it didn't make sense for the characters we've come to love.

Doldrums (Season 3, Episode 9)

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Ever wanted to experience what it's like to be stuck at sea with a bunch of annoying people and no escape? Yeah, me neither.